Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Careers in Psychology Essay

Career Options After Pursuing a Degree in Psychology Choosing a major or a degree field to go into after graduating from high school is one of the more difficult things that recently graduated young adults have to go through. Many different aspects of a future career field are evaluated to help the individual in choosing the best career path for them. These evaluations include required education, salary, future places of employment and most importantly, what an employee in this specific area of employment will be doing. Choosing to earn a degree in Psychology offers many different possibilities for future areas of employment that can fit almost any type of person. In addition to the diversity of the field, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted an increase in psychology job opportunities over the next decade due to increased demands for these services in education, law, hospitals, and private companies along with many more options (BLS, 2010). With so many different areas of society requiring these services pursuing a degree in psychology opens up many career paths outside the commonly stereotyped job description of psychologists. Even though many people assume that clinical psychology or other types of therapy are the only options with this degree, an individual in this study can go into fields such as neuropsychology, developmental psychology, and educational psychology. A neuropsychologist is one who has received a doctoral degree, typically a PhD, from an accredited American Psychological Association university along with completing the one year internship required for the degree, and a two year training period within a neuropsychology practice (Moberg,2006). The job description includes, studying the relations among brain structure and behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and sensory and perceptual functions along with the diagnosing and treatment of disorders related to the central nervous system. Most neuropsychologists organize and conduct academic  research relating to the aforementioned topics, along with assisting and witnessing testimony in court cases that involve judgment to the psychological conditions of the people involved. Outside of the court system, neuropsychologists usually work in laboratories, along side medical professionals at hospitals, or privately making starting salaries between $60,089 and $91,476 annually. After some years of experience an accredited neuropsychologist can make anywhere up to $300,000 a year, but the average yearly salary as of 2010 was approximately $127,460 (BLS, 2010). On top of earning a relatively large wage neuropsychologists report to having overall high job satisfaction, with less than twenty percent of them considering changing jobs or leaving the psychology field for a different one all together (Moberg, 2006). Being strongly interested in the functioning of the central nervous system and wanting to go into an area of research would make neuropsychology a top choice for anyone interested in pursuing a doctoral psychology degree. For a person who is more interested in a field dealing with people as a whole and not just the internal functioning of them, developmental psychology could be a possible career option. A developmental psychologist is someone who studies human growth and development that occurs throughout the entire lifespan. This includes biological development, but also focuses on cognitive, social, intellectual, personality, and emotional growth. Although the specific tasks of the psychologists vary based on the area they specialize in, most of them perform research and evaluations in the area of their study, such as studying a particular age range (Beilock, 2012). For example one could study how moral reasoning develops in children, or how people influence the personalities of others. Many developmental psychologists work in educational settings at colleges or universities where they conduct research as well as teach courses. Others could possibly be employed at teen rehabilitation centers, psychi atric clinics, government agencies, etc. The education required to become a developmental psychologist is a master or doctoral degree (PhD) with those holding the doctoral degree more in demand and having the greater range for employment options. The earned income of a developmental psychologist is also highly varied due to area of employment and subtopic of study. Those employed in offices of other  health practitioners earn around $68,400 annually while those employed at Individual and family services earn $57,440 a year (BLS, 2010). A career in developmental psychology allows for diversity among studies and the ability to change topics while still staying in your general field. Another non clinical or therapy related career in the area of psychology is education psychology. Going in this direction involves conducting research on how people learn, and/or designing methods and materials to enhance learning and intellectual, social, and emotional development. This area includes a number of other regions of psychology including developmental, cognitive, and behavioral. Based on the title of this career it is highly possible that an educational psychologist would be working in elementary and secondary schools, along with colleges and universities. Another possible place of employment is with government agencies specializing in education. As an educational psychologist a person could work on curriculum development, incorporationg technology into education, or the studying of gifted learners or those with learning disabilities (Doovis, 2013) The salary earned by educational psychologists was not absolutely defined, however it would have some variation pertaining t o where one was employed. A ccording the Bureau of Labor Statistics general psychologists could earn anywhere between $66,810 and $89,900 depending on who was employed where and experience of each individual (BLS, 2010). Educational psychology would be a good career for individuals interested in the betterment of educational system to produce more productive adults for society, as well as a good place for people who enjoy working with kids through young adults. Psychology degrees contain such a wide area of options for employment that almost anyone could find a job they enjoy with this major. Many of these areas also contain sub level areas for example, a person could possibly be a developmental psychologist working with elderly people on how they learn and obtain information and the connections their brain makes while doing this. Overall, whichever area of psychology one may choose to go into after receiving their psychology degree will provide many benefits to our society whether its improved schools, understanding of mental disorders, understanding of development, or even counseling. The career options are endless. References Beilock, C. L. (2012). Areas of Development in Developmental Psychology. Topics in Cognitive Science, 4, 731-739. Retrieved from Dozois, D. J. A.1. (2013). Psychological Treatments: Putting Evidence Into Practice and Practice Into Evidence. Canadian Psychology, 54, 1-11. Retrieved from Moberg, P.J (2006). The TCN/AACN 2005 â€Å"Salary Survey†: Professional Practices, Beliefs, and Incomes of U.S. Neuropsychologists. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 20, 325-364. Retrieved from Retrieved from U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2010). Occupational Outlook Handbook (2009-2010 ed.). Retrieved from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

American History Study Guide Ch. 15-18

Chapter 15 Elizabeth Cady Stanton: One of the most prominent leaders of the 19th century and leading figure of the early woman’s body; social activist/abolitionist Opposed the 14th and 15th amendment because it did nothing to enfranchise women Leader of the National Suffrage Association Crop-lien/Sharecropping:Growing of cotton and pledge a part of the crop as collateral Sharecropping: initially arose as a compromise between blacks’ desire for land and planters’ demand for labor discipline System allowed each black family to rent a part of a plantation with the crop divided between worker and owner at the end of the year Guaranteed the planters a stable resident labor force Black Codes:Laws passed by the new southern governments that attempted to regulate the lives of the former slaves Granted blacks certain rights: legalized marriage, ownership of property, and limited access to courts Denied them rights to testify against whites, serve on juries or in state mil itias, or to vote Declared that those who failed to sign yearly labor contracts could be arrested and hired out to white landowners Thaddeus Stevens:Radical who represented Pennsylvania in the House of Representatives Wanted to confiscate the land of disloyal planters and divide it among former slaves and northern migrants to the South; plan proved to be too radical Hiram Revels: Mississippi representative for the U. S. Senate during Reconstruction Served as chaplain in the wartime Union army and became the first black senator in American history Enforcement Acts of 1870-1871: Outlawed terrorist societies and allowed the president to use the army against them Continued the expansion of national authority duringReconstruction. Defined crimes that aimed to deprive citizens of the civil and political rights as federal offenses rather than violations of state law Klan eventually went out of existence U. S. v Cruikshank overthrew the Enforcement Acts U. S. v Cruikshank: Ruled that the du e process and equal protection clauses applied only to state action and not to actions of individuals Case that gutted the Enforcement Acts by throwing out convictions of some of those responsible for the Colfax Massacre of 1873 Election of 1876/Bargain of 1877:Republican nominee: Rutherford B. Hayes Democratic nominee: Samuel J. Tilden Election so close that whoever captured SC, FL, or LA would win Bargain: Congress appointed a 15-member electoral commission Members decided Hayes carried the disputed southern states, and therefore, won Reconstruction Act of 1867: Temporarily divided the South into 5 military districts and called for the creation of new state governments, with black men given the right to vote Passed by Congress over Johnson’s veto Chapter 16 Railroad Strike of 1877: ka Great Railroad Strike: first national labor walkout When workers protested a pay cut that paralyzed rail traffic, militia units tried to force them back to work The strike revealed a strong se nse of solidarity among workers and close ties b/w the Republican party and the new class of industrialists Aftermath: government constructed armories to ensure troops would be in hand in the event of labor difficulties Henry George, Progress and Poverty: Influential writer on social issues during the Gilded AgeHe identified the monopolization of land as the cause of social inequality Progress and Poverty: offered a critique of the expansion of poverty amid material abundance Book proposing more optimistic remedies for the unequal distribution of health His solution: â€Å"single tax†which would replace other taxes with a levy on increases in the value of real estate; it would be so high that it would prevent speculation in both urban and rural land George rejected the traditional equation of liberty with ownership of land; saw government as a â€Å"repressive power† Sherman Ant-Trust Act:Banned combinations and practices that restrained free trade; impossible to enfor ce Helped to establish the precedent that the national government could regulate the economy to promoted the public good Lochner v New York/Liberty of Contract Ideal: Supreme court voided a state law establishing ten hours per day or sixty per week as the maximum hours for bakers Battle at Wounded Knee: Soldiers opened fire on Ghost Dancers encamped near Wounded Knee Creek, killing b/w 150 and 200 Indians Marked the end of four centuries of armed conflict b/w the continent’s native population and European settlers and their descendantsAndrew Carnegie: Established a â€Å"vertically integrated† steel company – one that controlled every phase of the business from raw materials to transportation, manufacturing, and distribution. Dominated steel industry Knights of Labor: First group to try to organize unskilled workers as skilled, women alongside men, and blacks as well as whites Wanted to end the use of public and private police forces and court injunctions agains t strikes and labor organizations Thomas A. Edison:Era’s greatest inventor; Invented the phonograph, light bulb, motion picture, and a system for generating and distributing electric power Opened first electric generating station U. S. Steel Company: Founded in 1901; maintained labor policies held by Andrew Carnegie – lower wages and opposition to unionization Chapter 17 Omaha Platform, 1892: Party program adopted at the formative convention of the Populist Party Represents the merger of the agrarian concerns of the Farmers' Alliance with the free-currency monetarism of the Greenback Party while explicitly endorsing the goals of the largely urban Knights of Labor.Tom Watson: Georgia’s leading Populist who worked the hardest to forge a black-white alliance Made vicious speeches whipping up prejudice against blacks, Jews, and Catholics Kansas Exodus: Some blacks sought a way out through emigration from the South 40, 000 to 60, 000 African Americans migrated to Kan sas seeking political equality, freedom from violence, access to education, and economic opportunity Exodus derived from biblical account of Jews escaping slavery in Egypt Ida B. Wells:Nation’s leading antilynching crusader; insisted that given the conditions of southern blacks, the US had no right to call itself the â€Å"land of the free† â€Å"New Immigrants†: 3. 5 million newcomers seeking jobs in the industrial centers of the North and Midwest Described by native-born Americans as members of distinct â€Å"races†, whose lower level of civilization explained everything from their willingness to work for substandard wages to their supposed inborn tendency toward criminal behavior â€Å"Business Unionism†: Women’s Christian Temperance Union:Largest female organization; comprehensive program of economic and political reform including the right to vote â€Å"must abandon the idea that weakness and dependence were their nature and join asse rtively in movements to change society† Frances Willard: President Election of 1896: Republicans met the silverite challenge insisting that gold was the only â€Å"honest† currency Republican nominee: William McKinley Sometimes called the first modern presidential campaign because of the amount of money spent Democrats and Populists supported: William Jennings Bryan McKinley was the winner Platt Amendment:Drafted by Senator Platt of Connecticut Authorized the US to intervene militarily whenever it saw fit; US also acquired a permanent lease on naval stations in Cuba Had to be approved before Cuba could recognize their independence Chapter 18 Muckraking: The use of journalistic skills to expose the underside of American life; Theodore Roosevelt came up with the term New Immigration: Began around 1890 and reached its peak during the Progressive Era People came from southern and eastern Europe; 13 million came to the US, the majority from Italy, Russia, and the Austro-Hung arian empireFordism: Concentration on standardizing output and lowering prices Moving assembly line: car frames brought to workers on a continuously moving conveyor belt Fordism: economic system based on mass production and mass consumption Lawrence, Mass. , strike of 1912: When the state legislature enacted a 54 hour workweek, employers reduced the weekly take home pay of those who had been laboring longer hours Workers spontaneously went on strike and called IWW for assistance Children strikers left the city, and city officials ordered that no more children could leave LawrenceSamuel â€Å"Golden Rule†Jones: Gilded Age mayors who pioneered urban Progressivism Instituted 8 hour day and paid vacations at his factory that produced oil drilling equipment Founded night schools and free kindergartens, built new parks, and supported right of workers to unionize Jane Addams: Era’s most prominent female reformer Believed woman’s life should be governed by the â€Å"fa mily claim† – the obligation to devote herself to parents, husband, and children Founder of the Hull House in 1889 – settlement house devoted to improving the lives of the immigrant poorJohn Muir: Organized the Sierra Club to help preserve forests from uncontrolled logging by timber companies and other intrusions of civilization Federal Trade Commission: Second expansion of national power in 1914 Established to investigate and prohibit â€Å"unfair†business activities such as price-fixing and monopolistic practices Welcomed by many business leaders as a means of restoring order to the economic marketplace and warding off more radical measure for curbing corporate power

Government Regulations Within the Jewellery Industry

The government regulations are really down to the federal trade commission to enforce it and to ensure that the jewellery industry complies with it. The government regulations even have an influence in the way that the businesses are allowed to market themselves and the way that they do their advertising. There are a lot of people that feel that the jewellery industry would be far better if it was self-regulated. The internet is changing the way in which the business is conducted. There are a vast number of companies that are listed on the many different listing sites and the web pages. These companies all have countless false statements and inaccuracies. There are a lot of people who are unaware of the many companies so these companies see the internet as a good way to push the boundaries of truth to a certain amount. The jewellery industry at present does not have any way controlling the industry, reviewing the industry or even regulating the industry. All of the communications that are carried out on the internet only have a limited time before the government steps in to intervene. The government will intervene in order to deal with a rising amount of consumer complaints because there are a lot of people who are being ripped off on the internet and this is thought to be on the increase. The government regulations state what can and cannot be done within the jewellery industry in order to try and control the rising problems associated with the internet. It is very important that the industry is educated in what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. It is very important that the industry is aware of what can be contained in reviews about pieces of jewellery whether these reviews are available on the internet or off the internet.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Consumerism and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10

Consumerism and Identity - Essay Example In this paper I will qualify the statement that the capitalist commercial culture has been blamed for the bad experiences in the society. Argument for the Claim The society has continually faced problems that range from economic to political, and fingers point to the commercial culture of capitalism. Profit motive in the commercial sector plays an important role on food that people eat and to a great extent account for effects of other consumables. Emergence of economic concepts of cost minimization towards optimal profits play a core role as capitalists seeks less costly strategies to productions and marketing strategies for market control. In the food industry, for example, industrialization has transformed eating habits to commercially processed foods that are rich in chemicals and fats and expose consumers to eating disorders such as overweight. Using the media to penetrate into new markets also influences consumers towards the capitalists’ products and increases incidence s of effects of industrial products (Twitchell 1). Economic effects of capitalism also support the claim that the commercial culture is responsible for depression and associated disorders among members of the society. Unlike in socialist culture where the society owns resources and collectivism ensures needs of every member of the society, capitalism concentrates excessive resources on a few individuals while a majority of members of the society remain in poverty and have to struggle for their needs. Human suffering due to lack of basic needs or wants therefore flourish in the society while a non-capitalist system would have resolved such conditions. The condition worsens by capitalists’ selfish interest that seeks to increase the capitalists’ possession at the expense of the working class that mainly lives in poverty. Capitalist commercial culture has also threatened social cultures and cultural figures through undermining cultural values. Competitiveness in the corpo rate sector and the profit orientation of capitalists has for example promoted creativity into cultural shifts in what appears as better practices and utilities. Cultures and their benefits to the society have suffered from the developments as they become inferior and lose value. High level of competition in the market and self-interest has also promoted ills such as corruption and associated consequences in substandard products that risk consumers’ lives and undermine economic growth (Twitchell 1). Established criticisms of the commercial culture also support Twitchell’s position that the culture does not benefit the society. Some oppressive conditions are manageable, especially through collective responsibility as observed in socialist culture, but self-centered interest in the capitalist culture overlooks strategies for resolving the conditions. Widening gap between economic classes is an example and explains why the poor get poorer and the rich continue to amass we alth. Capitalistic culture also undermines efforts for harmonizing living standards in the economy and promotes such acts as discrimination and exploitation to promote suffering and stress.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

PPD3 Portfolio Part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

PPD3 Portfolio Part 1 - Essay Example Indeed, all the preparations and research we have undergone resulted to more than knowledge. The very first step that an applicant must learn when applying for a job is to familiarize himself about the target organization, in this case- Enterprise Rent a Car. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is already an established organization with very precise set of procedures. An example of which is the recruitment and selection process of the company wherein they attract university students through a mentoring program. The on-the –job training is a very valuable process that students like I could participate in order to experience real life situations as compared to theories learned in the classroom setting. However, not everyone can fit into what Enterprise Rent a Car needs because there are certain competencies required so a person can fulfill job functions very well. Our team evaluated the objectives of a car rental business and saw that the main goal of this type of business is to expand its c ustomer base. Such goal can only be accomplished through outstanding customer service since customers themselves can make referrals about their service. The Enterprise was very good at focusing on customer service and used ESQI to measure customer satisfaction. I realized that business guru Peter Drucker was right when he said that â€Å"things that cannot be measured cannot be managed†. Likewise, the saying is very applicable to my personal development since what we have been learning and doing all along these past few weeks is determining different skills and capabilities that we possess. A comprehensive and objective report as revealed by different tests gave me a clear picture of my strengths and weaknesses as well as potential for development. However, aside from focusing on myself, I understood the importance of collaboration with other team members. A goal can only be achieved when a team works together and gives their best. Team members met and brainstormed so best id eas would come out naturally. Everyone participated and we listed all the possibilities of how a car rental service can expand its base of marketing. We realized that all of us share same concepts and that marketing was very crucial in real life situations. We all agreed that this type of business would have an advantage over its competitors if it segments its target market since other companies take a shot-gun approach or one size fits all. The industry is competitive and things don’t work out that way anymore so we have to be creative. My ESTP personality moved the group into action so I was the one who set deadlines and arranged meetings. We also knew that this business has certain set of expectations from its employees and would get an employee who can be an epitome of customer service. The company screens online application forms which are why it is very crucial to create the best CV possible. A working experience in a sales oriented company would be an edge over other a pplicants which made me feel confident. Once an employee or a management trainee is in, various development programs coupled by trainings and seminars is in place. Aside from all the planning, organizing and researching to learn more about Enterprise, there are much more important things learned in the Assessment Exercise. First, it takes a lot of preparation to really get a good job nowadays. The most diligent effort

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Small business plan 2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Small business plan 2 - Research Paper Example Typical example of how these behavior and preference is influenced would be the environmental factors which are media, culture and social influences. The level of awareness and knowledge about certain product types also significantly influences market preference. As such, business should always be aware of the changing market motivation and consumer psychology as this has a direct impact on the market’s buying decision. This is important for the company to be able to adapt to the changing environment and keep the business viable. a) Changing Fads – The core of our business which dual/triple SIM celphone is technology based that its trend changes at a dizzying pace. Given the past pace of technology turnover, it is normal that is â€Å"in† today will become obsolete tomorrow. Being in this business requires constant monitoring on technology trend to be able to adapt and respond to the changing fad in technology and guard itself from obsolescence. b) Reaction to Economic Crisis – The market’s buying decision is significantly determined by their purchasing power. As what we have learned during the recent financial crisis, consumers tend to delay or forego purchases to be able to adapt to the economic crisis. Anticipating how the market reacts to a crisis will enable a business to better adapt to a temporary set-back in demand by reducing inventory. This will save the company unnecessary cost as unutilized inventory is an unnecessary cost which could be considered a â€Å"baggage† for any business especially during a financial crunch. c) Innovation in technology – new technology innovations and emerging trends should be monitored by the company to keep itself relevant in the industry. Any trends which could threaten the existing product line into obsolescence should be carefully monitored so that the company could appropriately respond for its survival. a) Deterioration of Customer

Friday, July 26, 2019

International communication and negotiation Term Paper

International communication and negotiation - Term Paper Example for negotiations through taking into consideration the kind of differences, which happen across these two different cultures, as well as pointing out likely pitfalls of lack of awareness to cultural factors. This two groups fall under Monochronic timers. The opt for prompt stars and ends to a meeting, they value breaks and deal with one item at a time (Weldon and Jehn 388). They depend on specific, exclusive and open communication and prefer to talk in sequence. Their main difference comes with the focus on the future, present or past. Americans tend to focus more on the present and near-future, but Indonesians strictly negotiate on long-term future goals (Adler 98). Also, there is space orientations when it comes to comparing the American and Indonesian culture. This has to do with territory, comfortable personal distance, division between public and private, comfort with physical touch and eye contact, as well as expectation concerning how and where contact will take place (Adler 98). It is an American etiquette that when you meet someone, do not stand too close to them as they deem it annoying to the other individual, thus maintain your physical distance. In Indonesia, women are alwa ys seeing holding hands with other women as they talk , but not men (Adler 102). Also, when it comes to eye contact, maintaining eye contact with an American is considered as sign of courage and assurance, but when it comes to Indonesians, looking down while talking to someone is considered as a sign of respect (Lederach 65). Furthermore, wondering your eyes from the person you are negotiating with in American is deemed as a sign of embarrassment or disagreement. American negotiators are more inclined to depend on personal values, imagining self, as well as others, as independent, autonomous and self-reliant (Graham 19). This does not imply that they do not consider consulting, but the likelihood to perceive self as separate instead of a member of a network or web means that more

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Globalization (Korean-wave or Korean-pop) Research Paper

Globalization (Korean-wave or Korean-pop) - Research Paper Example This research will help the people to understand what the effect of globalization of different culture is and how it helps the Korean Pop culture to spread all across the globe. Apart from that this research paper will also help us to discuss the effect of globalization on the Korean Pop culture and also how it influences other music types across the globe. With the help of this research paper we can analyze the effect of globalization in a particular field like culture and music. Being a culturally rich country, the main aim of Korea is to spread their culture all across the globe. These reviews will help us analyze different positive and negative effects of globalization, how Korean wave culture uses this concept of globalization in their advantage to promote their culture. The working thesis of this paper will be â€Å"globalization is just a supporting tool not the essential one to promote the Korean Pop culture as this culture have the essence in it to get noticed by the world†. The answer of the research questions will be based on the literature review, primary research. Through literature review we will discuss about different author’s and scholars viewpoint about how the globalization plays a role in cultural mix and match across the globe and how it plays a role in the journey of Korean pop music. The primary research will help us to get the present conception about the effects of globalization on the Korean culture in terms of both positive and negative, along with the opinion of common man regarding how the globalization helps in popularity of Korean pop or Korean wave. While answering this paper we will take a primary research based approach with supporting the view of the positive impact of globalization based on different author’s viewpoints. The primary research will be based on 10 questions, out of which 8 will be close ended questions and rest 2 open ended. The answers of the open ended questions

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Healthcare management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Healthcare management - Essay Example However, the affordable healthcare act now stipulates that all citizens who do not have a form of employment are covered by Medicaid (Pipes, 2010). This, therefore, means that all patients are eligible for healthcare regardless of their risk factors and financial ability. This is a nightmare for most hospitals because it raises the cost of operations because the funding of this healthcare act is a collective venture (Pipes, 2010). As a result, there are certain costs that hospitals must try to avoid in order to maintain the business. First and foremost, hospitals must reduce redundancies in order to reduce recurrent expenditure. (, 2012) This is a tricky process as there is often a shortage of personnel hospitals, however, this must be done. Some personnel often carry out work that could be done by someone else or outsourced. For instance, some procedures that are non-essential could be outsourced to other hospitals. Also, the hospital should invest in a more stringent scrutiny measure for patients. (, 2012)While this is an additional cost, it becomes an efficient criteria for identifying patients with high risk factors that could increase potential losses for the hospital. Finally, hospitals must look to find additional investors so as to increase the amount of capital in the running of the hospital. (2012).  8 key issues for population health management in 2012 | healthcare it news. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 18 Jan

Week 4 (my part of team assignment) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 4 (my part of team assignment) - Essay Example The first scenario that will be analyzed is zero growth. Under the cero growth scenario the company during the next five years will maintain a constant sales level. An economist might state that in reality a company that achieves zero growth loses because during those five years inflation occurred. At the US 2.3% annual rate of inflation the cumulative inflation after five years would be 11.5%. This means that the company lost 11.5% in purchasing power at the end of the five years. If sales stayed the same the company would be worst off after five years because expenses increased due to inflation. The company can offset the detrimental effect on cost inflation has by implementing process improvement that reduce the cost of doing business. To maintain a stable level of sales over a five year period the company must achieve a good customer retention rate. The second scenario is for Larson Inc. to decrease its sales over the five year period. The world is currently facing the effects of a global recession that started approximately 2008. The US GPD growth for the 2nd quarter of 2010 was 2.4% (Amadeo, 2010). Despite the economy having achieved a positive overall growth there are many problems with the US economy. In the United States the unemployment rate is at a massive 9.9% rate. In the past the unemployment rate in the United States always used to hover below 5%. This means that unemployment is twice as high as it was a few years ago. Larson produces batteries for the regular household consumers. If these people have less money available then they will purchases less batteries. The unemployment rate in Germany is higher than in the United States at a 10.8% rate. If the level of sales of Larsen Inc. decreases for the next five years the company and its managers are going to face some tough decisions. Massive layoffs of personnel are a high possibility. The company might have to sacrifice quality by purchasing cheaper quality materials for

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Review of Life Lessons from the Movie New York Stories

Of Life Lessons from the New York Stories - Movie Review Example The plot of â€Å"Life Lessons† looks simple but is emotionally intense and captures the psychological turmoil of an abstract artist in the wild city of New York. The opening scene of the film shows Lionel struggling to work for an upcoming exhibition and his dealer fears that he will not be able to produce the numbers of canvases he is required to produce. The reason is later found out to be the absence of his assistance cum apprentice Paulette who has almost taken the shape of his personal muse. They both are shown to be in a troubled and complex relationship and apparently Paulette has left Lionel for a young comedian, who dumps her in one day. Lionel is ready to take her back at any cost and when he sees that she is not ready takes her back to his studio saying that it will only be a work relationship. Throughout the film it is seen that Lionel feeds on the sexual tension between him and Paulette and in his fits of passion, desire and anger is able to produce excellent work. The story ends on Lionel completing his master piece, Paulette leaving him and a Lionel meeting a young female artist, who he immediately offers the position of an assistant. The film can be seen as the director’s tribute to the true genius which lies trapped with in the artist and the agony that artist has to go through to unleash the pulsing energy of true art. The film is directed beautifully and the cinematography has played a successful role in portraying what the director wants to show about the artist. Joe Brown wrote in his review of the film that the camera work was â€Å"sensuous† and the wet paint and vibrant colors brought life to the screen. The musical scores have been incorporated in the film at such instances that they add to the drama and intensity of the whole scene. The character of Lionel known as The Lion in the art world (Brown) is shown to be an artist like Jackson Pollock, who holds a unique place American art history (Alloway). The opening scene where the agent comes to see Lionel really shows Lionel as the caged lion through the bars of the old fashioned elevator. He is a prisoner of his own mind and has to paint n ot because he needs to but because he simply has to. Hal Hinson is also of the view that Lionel with his dirty blonde bangs and pulsing angry energy portrays the lion of an artist he is shown to be. Nolte/ Lionel is portrayed as a true artist who is selfish about his work will do almost any thing to keep his â€Å"muse† with him. The two lead characters of the film have thoroughly done justice to their characters and the onscreen chemistry between the two is volatile and electric. Love is used as meaningless word many times between the two. He claiming again and again that he loves her and she asking again and again that if he loves her or not. Lionel acts as love stricken puppy following Paulette around and acting possessive and jealous yet it is seen that her teasing and hard to get attitude are the things that are a bridge between his mind and his canvas. Nolte has successfully portrayed the agony of an artist who is unable to find an inspiration and how low the artist can fall to hold on to the thing or person that inspires him. The women in the film play a more physical role. The camera captures the contours of their ankle, neck, fingers all of which are adorned

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Old Man and The Sea Essay Example for Free

The Old Man and The Sea Essay Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Port, Illinois. Throughout his high school career he excelled in sports, and English class. For fun Hemingway enjoyed the outdoors, which got him into fishing and camping. When he graduated he started to work for The Kansas City Star as a junior reporter. Hemingway got his style of writing from the Kansas City Star’s Style Guide for writing: â€Å"use short sentences, use short first paragraphs, use vigorous language, and be positive, not negative. † He wrote many books, one of them being The Old Man and the Sea, which was also made into a movie. In both the book and the movie, the message being conveyed was to â€Å"Never give up. † They say, â€Å"Life is a journey, it’s not where you end up but its how you got there. † (www. motivationalwellbeing. com) Both the book and the movie have similarities and differences. The book was very descriptive in which you were able to imagine and picture in your head what was actually going on. In the beginning of the book, while the Old Man went out to sea again he saw two porpoises, which he considered to be his friends out across the lonely sea. He said as if they were, playing and making jokes and love with each other. They are our brothers like the flying fish†(Hemingway 44). Also when the bird had landed on his skiff, he told the bird that he needed to be brave, and go before the hawks come. On the other hand the movie followed very closely to the book in which it was almost word for word as the book. The Old Man looked like Hemingway. Logos was shown in the movie by visually getting to see each step that the Old Man took on the boat. The music also helped you predict when something good or bad was going to happen. You were also able to see the boy cry, which is pathos. The messages that Hemingway was trying to convey was perseverance, and to never give up. Hemingway has a unique way of writing. Hemingway’s writing style included short, declarative sentences with the omission of colons, semi-colons, exclamation points, dashes or parentheses. Hemingway wanted his short sentences to build on to each other until they reached a whole storyline. Hemingway also used movie-style techniques such as â€Å"cutting from one scene to the next† quickly. His style of writing was called the â€Å"Iceberg Theory,† because his facts floated above water, and the supportive details or structures holding up the facts were out of sight. The Old Man has wrinkly skin, young eyes the color of the sea, cuts, and scars on his hands. This helped show us how much he has been through. The scars on his hands represent that he has faced hardships, but he has always gotten through them. The new cuts on his hands show that he has not given up and he is still trying. No matter what you will always fall down, but you’re the only thing stopping yourself from getting right back up and moving forward. Throughout his life, he has been presented with challenges to test his strength and endurance. The marlin with which he struggles for three days represents his greatest challenge. Relentlessly fighting off the sharks over and over again, keeping as much of the marlin that he can savage, until he gets back to land, and not letting any outside forces put him down. The Old Man dreaming about Africa and lions represents him reminiscing on his youth and purity, but is now an elderly man, getting weaker by the day. The boy, who had first gone on the Old Man’s boat when he was five, has been a friend to the old man ever since. The boy would always go fishing with the Old Man, but his parents told their son he was no longer on his boat because he had the worst bad luck and he had not caught a fish in over 80 days. It is as if the boy and the Old Man have switched places by the boy being the caretaker for the Old Man, â€Å"the father figure†, and the Old Man being the one who is cared for. Joe DiMaggio also played a role in the storyline even though you never saw him; he was the Old Mans hero. The Old Man worships him as a model of strength and commitment, and his thoughts turn toward DiMaggio whenever he needs to reassure himself of his own strength. Hemingway’s unique style of writing allows readers to easily visualize the plot, as if it was a movie. This is done through short sentences that build on one another. This also allows his books, such as The Old Man and the Sea, to be created into movies that are easily comparable. His use of metaphors and descriptive writing make this possible. Through the use of logos and pathos, Hemingway successfully conveyed the message of perseverance. Over and over again the Old Man was tried, but he never gave up.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Reputation of Alton Towers

The Reputation of Alton Towers Introduction Over the last decade, there has been a drastic change in the way in which consumers communicate with brands (Giannini, 2011). Instead of one-way communication in which companies present unsolicited information about brands and products through advertisements and promotion messages in the market place, they seek information when they are ready to participate in a dialogue and become part of a mutually beneficial community comprising of marketers and consumers (Giannini, 2011). Public relations is the field which emphasises the importance of two way brand relationship using both traditional and new media channels (Butterick, 2011). This essay focuses upon how Alton Towers Resorts can use the aspects of public relations as part of its marketing efforts to recover its damaged reputation which has caused it a significant loss in revenue due to the crash of Smiler roller-coaster in 2015. Significance of Trust Developing trust with the consumers contributes towards sustaining a needed market share and profitability in the long term (Giannini, 2011). Enhanced consumer trust in brands also contributes towards generating greater consumer satisfaction market place (Giannini, 2011). Alton Towers, which is the UKs most favourite and number one theme park (BBC, 2015), has enjoyed good consumer trust for years. Alton Towers has always taken the health and safety of its guests very seriously and consequently it has the best health and safety records among all the theme parks in the UK (Layton, 2015). All its rides are subject to thorough safety assessments undertaken by specialist maintenance engineers in line with strict procedures (Layton, 2015). The company also undertakes training of its employees and conducts regular health and safety audits (Layton, 2015). It has an excellent first aid care service and an on-site responder team trained by West Midlands Ambulance Service (Layton, 2015). Result antly, the company delivers 12.6 million individual rides every season (Layton, 2015). However, the reputation of Alton Towers following the accident of its Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015 has been damaged significantly. The accident resulted in several people being seriously injured and led to the temporary closure of the theme park (BBC, 2015). The accident had an adverse effect on its trading at the beginning of an important summer season (Schram, 2015). The company estimated that its half-year profit is expected to drop between 43%-54% from last years  £87m to  £40m- £50m this year (Schram, 2015). The suspension of market activity across all the other visitors attractions owned by Merlin the owner of Alton Towers also had a strong negative impact on the sales (Schram, 2015). Public Relations Strategy In order to recover the damaged reputation of the brand, Alton Towers needs to deploy a public relations campaign to engage with the public rather than run a marketing campaign. Public relations campaign enable organisations to respond to a business challenges such as the one faced by Alton Towers in the aftermath of Smiler roller-coaster accident rather than simply produce favourable media coverage. Smith (2013) asserts that public relations theories primarily identify a four-phase process for devising and implementing a public relations campaign. Public relations theorists have summarised these as: (1) the RACE acronym (research, actions, communication and evaluation); (2) the ROPE acronym (research, objectives, planning, and evaluation); (3) and the RAISE acronym (research, action, implementation, strategy, evaluation) (Kendall, 1997; Hendrix and Hayes, 2010). All these theories revolve around the basic four-phase model which involves (1) analysing the environment, (2) identific ation of audiences and objectives, (3) development of a strategic approach and (4) development of the implementation plan (Smith, 2013). Smith (2013) has combined all these theories to offer a comprehensive strategic planning framework for public relations campaign comprising of the above four basic phases. It is as follows: Formative Research Analysing the situation Analysing the organisation Analysing the publics Strategy Establishing goals and objectives Formulating action and response strategies Developing the message strategy Tactics Selecting communication tactics Implementing the strategic plans Evaluating Research Evaluating the strategic plan (Smith, 2013 p.16) Formative Research In the above, the background of the company and the situation and its impact upon the image of the brand and its revenue has briefly analysed. Therefore, it is now imperative to analyse the publics or the stakeholders that are to be affected by the public relations campaign. The identification of the publics will enable the marketers to select a suitable channel of media to best engage the audience (Baines, et al. 2007). Publics are defined as a group of people having a common interest and values in a particular situation (Reddi, 2009). In public relations, publics are a group of persons, especially one that is interested in or affected by an action or an idea of an organisation (Reddi, 2009 p. 68). In this instance, publics comprise of all the active audience who are connected, however loosely, by some common concern which has consequences for Alton Towers (Hallahan, 2000; Reddi, 2009). Public relations theorists have identified a basic set of publics or stakeholders which are applicable to most organisations. For instance, Baines, et al (2007) have identified the following groups of publics: Employees Potential Employees Suppliers of goods Distributors Customers Financial markets Opinion leaders and formers The community Other publics Reddi (2009) has identified some additional groups as: Media public International public Friedman (2006) further adds the following stakeholders: Competitors Government, regulators and policy makers From these groups of publics, the main focus of Alton Towers public relations campaign should be the external stakeholders from the general population, such as the (1) community, (2) customers (individuals, companies, schools, etc.), (3) media public, (4) financial markets (including investors) (5) opinion leaders and formers (5) other publics such as those affected by the accident, and (6) government and policy makers. The reason behind this selection is that apart from the recent Smiler roller-coaster accident, Alton Towers has one of the best track record of ensuring safety and health which is presumably well recognised by the internal stakeholders such as employees, distributors, suppliers, etc. The current challenge pertains to regain the trust of external public within the wider population, which has been distorted by the increased focus of commentators on a single incident. In order to make the campaign most effective, Alton Towers should prioritise its publics if in case it is faced by the constraints of budgets and resources. Prioritising the public can help a company to run an effective campaign even within a tight budget (Baines, et al. 2007). The publics of Alton Towers can be prioritised through the power/interest matrix. Strategy The second phase of the public relations campaign relates to formulating objectives, actions and message strategy. Pople and Turnbull, (2012), state that effective objectives should be SMART that is, specific, measurable, achievable, resourced and time-based. Furthermore, these objectives can be cognitive, affective and/or conative (Lantos, 2010). Cognitive objectives are those that relate to creating awareness about something and encourage people to think. Affective objectives are those that shape the attitude, opinion or feeling of the publics about an issue. Conative objectives encourage the audiences to act in a certain way (Lantos, 2010) (see figure 1). Figure 1 (Source: Lantos, 2010 p. 503) In order to overcome the challenge pertaining to the reputation of Alton Towers, the company can combine a set of cognitive, affective and conative SMART objectives for its public relations campaign. These are as follows: To enhance the awareness of the health and safety measures undertaken by the company in the UK by May 2016 to achieve a 50% growth in sales in the following summer season This is a cognitive objective aimed at encouraging the target audience to be assured that a trip to Alton Towers is safe and that the company takes every measure humanly possible to avert any untoward incident Rebuild the trust of public in thrill rides at visitors attractions and theme. Change the attitude of at least 100,000 members of the publics by May, 2016. This is an affective objective aimed at regaining the trust of skeptical people in thrill rides and its safety standards at Alton Towers. To generate the positive feedback of at least 100,000 people about the support provided by Alton Towers to those affected and physically impaired by incidents at Alton Towers and built an Alton Towers Cares image in the eyes of public. This is a conative objective which will encourage the public to provide their feedback over different forms of social media regarding Alton Towers pledges to support those affected by its rides. The message strategy of Alton Towers should be to convey that it is most committed to ensuring safety and health of its guests and that is does not leave any stone unturned in this regard. Acknowledging that accidents do occur in even in the safest environments, the company is very sympathetic towards those affected by its operations in case of any untoward incident. Tactics Once the objectives, actions and message strategy has been finalised, the next step is to determine the tactics through which the public relations campaign will contact and convince the target audiences. This entails choosing the most appropriate channel of communication through which to contact each of the target public (Gregory, 2010). Gregory (2010) asserts that the set of tactics used in any public relations campaign should engage the right number of public and get the desired message across to them in a reasonable cost. Out of the many tactics identified in the literature, the ones related to media relations , customer relations, community relations, and government relations are most suitable to the current campaign. Media Relations Marketing communications literature identifies several tactics for communicating a brands message to its target audience. Within these tactics, the ones related to media relations include press and video releases (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers should prepare and distribute a press/video release showcasing the preparations it makes for safety and health, training provided to its staff in this regard and the readiness of the company to overcome any untoward incidences to establish that the resort is a safe place for visitors. This tactic will cover the cognitive aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. The company can also inform the general public through media regarding its pledges for the support of the affected people. Customer Relations For managing customer relations, Alton Towers can utilise marketing communication tactics such as advertising, internet, social networks, new letters, direct mail, and media relations tactics (Fill, 2011). Advertisements: Celebrities endorsement Alton Towers can engage with celebrities and opinion leaders to visit the resort and project their endorsement through advertisements over television and social media to make consumers feel that a trip to Alton Towers is safe for themselves and their families. Social Media Alton Towers can arrange for celebrities and opinion leaders to post their photos of visits to the resort over social media. This tactic will cover the affective aspect of Alton Towers public relations campaign. Community Relations For community relations, direct involvement is the most effective marketing communication tactics (Fill, 2011). Direct Involvement Alton Towers can invite groups from local communities such as companies, schools and institutions to visit the resort and directly observe its commitment to safety and health. It is important to engage these groups to regain their trust in Alton Towers safety measures because these group are often conduct risks assessments before making any bookings at resorts such as Alton Towers. Government Relations Messages can be communicated to governments through official publications such as background material, literature and group briefings (Fill, 2011). Alton Towers can publish reports and literature about its safety procedures and measures to avert incidents; publish inquiry reports to ascertain the causes on any incidents for any concerned government department and regulatory bodies to ensure transparency for its operations and compliance with industry standards. Evaluation The last phase of the public relations campaign relates to evaluation of the strategies and tactics employed in the campaign to determine whether the stated objectives have been achieved (Michaelson and Stacks, 2011; Smith, 2013). The provisions of the SMART objectives have already provided measures to assess the success of the strategies and tactics. The success of this current public relations campaign will be measured against the achievement of a 50% growth in sales in the upcoming summer season in the year 2016; a positive change in attitude of at least 100,000 visitors towards thrill rides during the same period, and receiving at least 100,000 positive feedback for the companys support efforts for the affected people over various forms of social media. Conclusion The above public relations campaign can be effective in rebuilding the companys damaged reputations in the eyes of public following the accident of Smiler roller-coaster ride in June 2015. This public relations campaign can work hand in glove with Alton Towers marketing efforts to regain its lost market share and levels of profitability. References Baines, P., Egan, J and Jefkins, F. (2007) Public Relations. Oxford: Routledge. BBC (2015). Alton Towers rollercoaster crash causes Merlin profit warning. Available from Butterick, K (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. London:Sage. Fill, C. (2011) Essentials of Marketing Communications, Harlow: FT Prentice Hall Friedman, A.L. and Miles, S. (2006). Stakeholders: Theory and Practice, Oxford University Press Giannini, G. (2011). Marketing Public Relations. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley. Gregory, A. (2013). Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns: A Strategic Approach. London: Kogan Page Publisher Hallahan, K. (2000) Inactive Publics: The Forgotten Publics in Public Relations. Public Relations Review 26(4): 499-515 Hendrix, J. and Hayes, D. (2010). Public relations cases (8Th ed.). Belmont: Thomson Learning. Kendall, R. (1997). Public Relations Campaign Strategies. New York: Addison-Wesley. Lantos, G (2010). Consumer Behavior in Action. New York: M E Sharpe Layton, J (2015). Thirty accidents at Alton Towers in three years, figures reveal. Birmingham Mail. Available from Michaelson, D and Stacks, D. (2011). Standardization in public relations measurement and evaluation. Public Relations Journal, 5, 7-8. Pople, A. and Turnbull, S. (2012). Advertising and Public Relations. Pearson, Harlow. Reddi, N. (2009). Effective Public Relations and Media Strategy. New Dehli: PHI Learning. Schram, B (2015). Alton Towers crash: Smiler ride accident dents Merlins sales. International Business Times. Available from Smith, R. (2013). Strategic Planning for Public Relations. New York: Routledge

Competitive strategy that Easyjet have utilised

Competitive strategy that Easyjet have utilised The aim of this report is to analyse and evaluate the competitive strategy that Easyjet have utilised in order to develop their current competitive position in the low price no frills airline market. Objectives Definitions of competitive strategy Explain Porters generic strategy Analyse the competitive strategy of Easyjet Evaluate the competitive strategy of Easyjet Recommendation for the future of Easyjet Methodology Porters generic strategy Investigate the strategy clock Find out advantage and disadvantages by creating a SWOT analysis of Easy Jet Theories on Easyjet competitive strategy The Competition Various Recommendation for Easyjets future Where the information was found? University library Internet Journals Newspapers Books Overview From this report, Easyjet can be seen as one of the main airlines in its market, and although it has some tough competition Easyjet is becoming stronger. Its competitive strategies are ahead of the competition and are being very successful. This is proven through various theories such as Porters generic strategy, the strategy clock and a SWOT analysis of Easyjets competitive strategy. Introduction Background Easyjet is one of the best known European low price no-frills airlines. Which begun in 1995 by Greek entrepreneur Stelios Haji-Ioannou. He intended to make flying to Europe affordable for more and more people. Easyjet now calls itself the webs favourite airline. (Thompson, Strategic Management , 2001) The airline is based at Hangar 89, a bright orange building adjacent to the main taxiway at Luton Airport. In an industry where corporate HQs are generally considered to be the ultimate status symbol, it is the very embodiment of the Easyjet low-cost ethos. Objectives To identify and analyse the competitive strategy that Easyjet have utilised in order to develop their current position. To critically evaluate the competitive strategy that Easyjet have utilised in the development of their current completive position. Also make appropriate recommendations regarding Easyjet. Competitive advantage Competitive advantage is the means by which a company can outperform its competitors and more profits. (Lomax Raman, 2006) The ability to create more economic value than competitors (Barney, 2010) Competitive advantage is more generally based on the stability and continuity in relationships between different parts of the organisation (Lynch, 2008) Design is a form of competitive advantageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Good design allows things to operate more efficiently, smoothly, and comfortably for the userà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Customers appreciate good design. While they cant necessarily point out what specifically makes it good, they know it feels better. Theres a visceral connection. They are willing to pay for it, if you give them a great experience. (Hackett, 2009) Porters Generic Strategies This set of strategies consists of three: segmentation strategy, differentiation strategy and cost leadership Cost leadership strategy pertains to mass production of standardized products to lower the cost. Manufacturing the product in high volumes or by bulk would lower the costs of the product because fixed costs are maximized. Differentiation strategy means creating products that are being packaged as unique. Customers believe that the features of the products are incomparable and superior compared to others hence the reason for its uniqueness. Segmentation strategy means products are focused on few, selected market or the specialized markets. The company creates the product to suit the tastes or demands of a specific market. (Porter, 1998) Main Findings Analyse Easy Jets competitive strategy Easy jet which is the UKs leading low cost airline, currently operating in over 400 routes with over 175 aircraft in 27 countries is a no frill airline, the concept started in the beginning of the 1970s in the USA and then this concept was followed by Airlines in Europe, and the rest of the world. Easy jet is known as No-frills airlines, where airlines that have offer low fares but eliminate all unnecessary services Easy Jet offers a no frills service at low fares. EasyJets generic strategy is a typical cost leadership strategy. The business philosophy of easyJet is that money can be made on any route where a carrier can fly three times a day to a low-cost airport, based on a minimum market size. The basis of commercial success for such strategy is maintaining a 30-40% cost advantage over established airlines. Easyjets low prices strategy can be defined as A low price strategy seeks to achieve a lower price than competitors whilst trying to maintain a similar perceived product or service benefits to those offered by competitors (Johnson, 2005) They believe to achieve competitive advantage through this strategy, the company need two basic choices, one is to find a segment where main competitors are not interested in. The other one is find this segment attracts price sensible consumers. (Johnson, 2005) They utilize this by doing the following; Easyjet is a Ticket less airline which mean All you need to fly is your passport (or suitable photographic ID on domestic flights) and there confirmation number, based on their time of check in at the airport, this determines the order in which they board the aircraft ( Efficient use of airport. Easyjet flies to main destination airports throughout Europe, but gains efficiencies through rapid turnaround times, and progressive landing charges agreements with the airports By reducing turnarounds to 30 minutes and below, Easyjet can achieve extra rotations on the high frequency routes, by maximizing utilization rates of its aircraft. Theres no such thing as a free lunch Easyjet does not offer free food from company, passengers are given the choice as to whether they wish to buy themselves drinks or snacks from the in flight. (McCosker, 2003) The absence of business class means gaining seats and maximizes capacity. Though EasyJet does not provide the same kind of flexibility as business class in traditional airlines, it is possible to change flights for a premium of  £10, plus the difference in price. Punctuality is a priority Direct marketing and Internet sales Stelios recognized the potential for sales on the Internet before it had become widely available. At first a call center allowed customers to book over the phone, a more familiar communication channel available to all. By offering discounts for Internet bookings, Stelios shaped his customers purchasing habit with the result that 80% of reservations were made on the Internet in 1998. It reduces distribution charges from travel agent commissions and computer reservation system costs. Easyjets strategy was modelled on Southwest air, but Stelios claimed he had been inspired by Richard Branson and Virgin Atlantic. His approach to customers and people mirrors that of Branson. He flies on his own planes some three or four times a week and week talk to the passengers. He is regularly present at Luton (his headquarters) and willing to revolve passenger problems. (Thompson, Strategic Management fourth editon, 2001) Easyjet favours an informal company culture with a very flat management structure, which eliminates unnecessary and wasteful layers of management. All office-based employees are encouraged to dress casually. Ties are banned except for pilots! Remote working and hot-desking have been characteristics of easyJet since the beginning. One of the strategies which easyJet is persuading is a cost leadership. In persuading cost advantage, the goal of the firm is to become the cost leader in its industry or industry segment (Grant, 2002) The Easyjet product is, in reality, a package of service, many subcontracted in. Easy jet provides the planes and their crews, and markets and the sells the flights. As a company, it is focused. Check-in and information services, snacks (for passengers to by before they board the aeroplane), baggage handling and fleet maintenance are all bought in from specialists. (Thompson, Strategic Management , 2001) Competition for customers in this sector of the market is intense, Virgin express and Fly Thomas cook are just a couple from many have low-price , no frills subsidiaries, neither of which is reputed to be profitable. The largest of the rivals is Ryanair, over 25 years old and based in Dublin, carrying over 75 million passengers a year. When Stelios established the position of the Easyjet as one of leading low cost airline in Europe by adopting an efficiency driven operational model, creating brand awareness and maintaining a high levels of customer satisfaction (where we are now) he took a step further in his perused of the strategy to offer low cost airline to masses (where we want to be) which is based on key strengths (how we going get there) (Easyjet: The Web`s Favourite Airline, 2002) Another of the strategies persuaded by founder of Easyjet can be seen, as strategy is perspective, that is, vision and direction. (Mintzberg, 1994) Evaluate Easyjet competitive strategy Competitive advantage grows out of value a firm is able to create for its buyers the exceeds the firms cost of creating it (porter,1985)A company relative position within an no frill Airline industry is given by its competitive advantage which is cost leadership and differentiation, from other frills airline companies and with its choice of competitive scope. Introducing new technologies new or shifting buyer needs the emergence of a new industry segment and availability changes in government regulations are competitive advantages. Where Differentiation is the firms product, associated services, and other activities affect its buyers activities.   All the activities in the value chain contribute to buyer value, and the cumulative costs in the chain will determine the difference between the buyer value and producer cost. (Porter, 1985) Easy jet gains competitive advantage by performing strategically important activities more cheaply or better than its competitors. ( Comp etitive advantage can come not just from great products or services, but from anywhere along the value chain. To understand how a firm fits into the overall value system includes the value chains of its suppliers, channels, and buyers. Generic strategies are useful because they characterize strategic positions at the simplest and broadest level. Porter maintains that company achieving competitive advantage requires and makes a choice about the type and scope of its competitive advantage.(Porter, 1985) Concerning competitive advantage, Easyjet concentrates on costs therefore achieves overall cost leadership. It inhabits a low cost Niche position. The low cost airlines developed sufficient lead times and competitive advantage to limit any new entrants to niche positions and we still do not believe that the full service airlines have the culture to successfully develop sustainable in house low fares subsidiaries (Binggeli, 2002) However, there are problems associated with the idea of sustainable cost leadership as this entails that Easyjet has the lowest cost compared with competitors over time. This is unlikely to be achieved simply by cutting back costs however their competitors i.e. Ryanair will do this too. The search of a cost-leadership strategy will require Easyjet to have a strong focus on cost management, scale economies, and have experience curve cost advantages through the maintainer of volumes. In reality, it can be questioned whether cost leadership is a separate strategy. (Sharp 1991)  [1]  stated, having a cost advantage is merely a facilitator to differentiate, usually on price, adding that low-cost form seeks to remove bases for differentiation, so as to offer a generic service to the entire market, therefore reducing differences between segments. Another type of strategy persuaded by Stelios Haji Ioannou is express by sentence (Casell, 2002) It could be argued that cost leadership can be a precarious strategy, which may speed up the move towards a commodity market in which; ultimately, no one benefits (Partridge, 1994) Strategy Clock The Strategy Clock is based upon the work of Cliff Bowman. Its another Suitable way to analyze a companys competitive position in comparison to the offerings of competitors. As with Porters Generic Strategies, Bowman considers competitive advantage in relation to cost advantage or differentiation advantage. Easyjet are situated highly in strategic option 1 (low price, low added value) The eight core strategic options are: 1. Low price/low added value Likely to be segment specific. 2. Low price Risk of price war and low margins/need to be a cost leader. 3. Hybrid Low cost base and reinvestment in low price and differentiation. 4. Differentiation (A) Without a price premium: perceived added value by user, yielding market share benefits. (B) With a price premium: Perceived added value sufficient to bear price premium. 5. Focused differentiation Perceived added value to a particular segment warranting a premium price. 6. Increased price/standard Higher margins if competitors do not value follow/risk of losing market share. 7. Increased price/low values only feasible in a monopoly situation. 8. Low value/standard price Loss of market share. The strategy clock diagram ( Easyjet SWOT analysis Strength: Easyjet has a strong brand name in the low cost airline industry; the company also owns the general popularity among customers, business or leisure, for its low fares and high efficiency Most seats are sold through Internet. Ticketless airline makes Easyjet different from rivals. Flattened structure and casual culture give efficiency in management and operation. Easyjet is frequently able to benefit from the latest technology and working practices. Efficient use of airports and aircraft is another critical strength of Easyjet. The sound network helps the company to cut costs. Paperless operation has simplified and given the huge flexibility in the management working practices. Easyjet standardise on a single aircraft type and purchase new aircraft in bulk, thereby minimizing maintenance costs. The merger of Go accelerates the company growth Weakness: Easyjet is limited at the present time to regional operations, which does not allow it to develop a more balanced portfolio of services. Although EasyJets benefits from the deal with airbus in many ways, it also causes a problem the company will operate on a mixed Boeing/Airbus fleet. Staff training and coordination in future are crucial to the move For the elder people or the people who do not use the internet, it is not convenience to book on line. They really should have more ways to book There is no business class in airplane of EasyJet, which makes it lose some business travellers Opportunities: From a political perspective, the deepening and widening of EU provides new opportunities industry wide. New routes can be introduced to those countries that will join EU in near future. Furthermore, Airlines are now able to operate a base out of any European Country, which gives many more opportunities for expansion. Comparing to US market, the European market is still an immature market, which provides opportunities to all players. General slump forces most companies and individual keep in a tight budget, therefore low cost airlines now have more chance to fight their expensive rivals. Threats: The low-cost carriers are facing rising costs, particularly in the areas of fuel, airport charges and salaries. Unpredictable incidents (e.g. Iraqi war, SARS) give uncertainties in fuel supply, customers sentiment, etc. Competition from rivals is another threat, including new businesses copying low price and no frills strategy Recommendations This report has shown that Easyjet has done very well since it begun in 1995, it is dong almost everything correctly using their competitive strategies to become successful and stay ahead of their rivals. Although the huge profitable company that it has become, its important that they do not become over confident, and be aware of what their competitors are doing, they should always have enough capital to them to make radical changes if needed to. There are a number of ways in which Easyjet could improve to take the organisation forward and make the company more profitable and improving performance. Firstly Easyjet could cooperate with other easy business, such as Easycar which could do deals on transport and parking at airports, Easyfinance could offer a special rate for loans used on flights. Easyhotel could give discounts on hotels around the airports. This could not only help easyjet and making it better for customers but also increase other easy businesses. It could be very beneficial for Easyjet to build alliances with transatlantic operations. This would build a better relationship with the transatlantic operations meaning it could create more routs. Easyjet have over 400 routes which means they have many more routes which they could add. This would mean gaining more customers that couldnt reach destinations before in which other airlines visited. As fast as the internet has grown over the last few years, not everybody has it or know how to use, more often its elder people, whom could add a bigger market if Easyjet could find out a way to reach them and make a better way of buying flights for them. Although Easyjet do have a phone number to book flights it has been stated Telephone bookings are more expensive and are not encouraged (Lowfareflights) which is very off putting. Possibly free phone calls or some sort of broacher sent through the post could let the people without internet find out about Easyjet and be able to purchase with no hassle. As the number of low cost carriers is growing another possibility could be created some sort of loyalty scheme such as loyalty card or member card. The customer would then collect points whenever they travel with Jeasyjet, which would add up and when they have enough points, they could receive some sort of reward such as a discount on flights, free flights etc. This would benefit Eeasyjet as well as the customers because the customer would want to travel with Easyjet instead of another company because they know they can save points and be rewarded with Easyjet. Major companies in the UK such as Tesco using clubcard who introduced it in 1994 to gain customers loyalty, it proved to be very successful, making customers from other stores switch to Tesco as they knew they would b rewarded with this scheme. David Sainsbury, then chairman of J Sainsbury plc, rejected the idea of introducing a similar scheme. However, the effect that Clubcard had on Sainsburys sales led to the reversal of th at decision, with the launch of the Sainsburys Reward Card in June 1996. (Randall, 1996-06-23) This will therefore stop customers switching to Easyjets rivals. From this report, Easyjet can be seen as one of the main airlines in its market, and although it has some tough competition Easyjet is becoming stronger. Its competitive strategies are ahead of the competition and are being very successful. No company is perfect and always need improvements therefore Easyjet could become ever more successful and dominate the market despite of the stiff competition. Reference List

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Can You Love Someone Too Much? Essay -- essays research papers

What a question to ponder! I have tried writing this essay many times and have realized that this is a very difficult topic. â€Å"Is it possible to love someone too much?† If you look at the question you first must define what love is and what it means to you before you can determine if it is actually possible to love someone too much. The Webster Dictionary defines love as â€Å"profoundly tender, a passionate affection for another person†. In my opinion, to love someone is to care not only about them as a person but also about their well being. You can love a person even if that individual does not feel the same way about you, or if the person just doesn’t understand why you are feeling this way toward him or her. It’s like when you’re a little kid and your parents tell you all the stuff not to touch, not to do, and they keep on reminding you over and over again. They’re reminding you constantly, not to get on your nerves, but because they don’t want you to get hurt. They love you, and because of this strong feeling of love, they want to make sure you are safe. To love someone is to have such strong feelings, so deeply felt that your life would not be complete or the same without them. You would do anything in the world to be with them and you will do absolutely everything for them because it feels good and right. This reminds me of a song by Canadian artist Brian Adams Everything I do I do it for you. He sings of a strong love in this song. A love that everything he does makes...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Booker T Washington :: essays research papers

Booker T. Washington   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his day and age I believe that Booker T. Washington had the better approach to helping African Americans succeed in the United States. Washington believed that African Americans could win white acceptance eventually by succeeding economically. He did not believe in pointing at the constitution and demanding that everyone accept them as equals, but in earning the respect and acceptance of white people   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the later 1800’s and early 1900’s there was still widespread prejudice against African Americans and white people feared what educated black people might do. W.E.B. Du Bois wanted the most intelligent African Americans to lead their people forward in pursuit of civil rights, acceptance, and social and political equality. This approach to gaining equality would not work during that time. Actions like Du Bois insisted upon would have caused uprisings and potential violence. However, Washington’s ideas appealed to both African Americans and white people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Washington told the African American population to set aside their desire for political and social acceptance and build up their economic security. He believed that a man of any race could find as much dignity and respect in tilling a field, or learning skill, as there was in writing a poem. Du Bois was reaching for something that was out of his reach at the time. There was still an underlying feeling that black people had taken white peoples land and jobs from them after the civil war. This was not an easy feeling to get rid of and standing up and demanding equality was not the right thing to do at the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, I believe that Booker T. Booker T Washington :: essays research papers Booker T. Washington   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In his day and age I believe that Booker T. Washington had the better approach to helping African Americans succeed in the United States. Washington believed that African Americans could win white acceptance eventually by succeeding economically. He did not believe in pointing at the constitution and demanding that everyone accept them as equals, but in earning the respect and acceptance of white people   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the later 1800’s and early 1900’s there was still widespread prejudice against African Americans and white people feared what educated black people might do. W.E.B. Du Bois wanted the most intelligent African Americans to lead their people forward in pursuit of civil rights, acceptance, and social and political equality. This approach to gaining equality would not work during that time. Actions like Du Bois insisted upon would have caused uprisings and potential violence. However, Washington’s ideas appealed to both African Americans and white people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Washington told the African American population to set aside their desire for political and social acceptance and build up their economic security. He believed that a man of any race could find as much dignity and respect in tilling a field, or learning skill, as there was in writing a poem. Du Bois was reaching for something that was out of his reach at the time. There was still an underlying feeling that black people had taken white peoples land and jobs from them after the civil war. This was not an easy feeling to get rid of and standing up and demanding equality was not the right thing to do at the time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, I believe that Booker T.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Book Analysis: No Matter How Loud I Shout: A Year in the Life of Juvenile Court Essay

A Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Humes dedicated a year of his life researching California’s juvenile justice system His book, â€Å"No Matter How Loud I Shout: A Year in the Life of Juvenile Court† is inspired from this experience. Humes has written a moving account of California’s juvenile justice system and the children who pass through it. This carefully researched book chronicles the arrests of seven teenagers and their experiences both in juvenile court, and while serving time. The book also describes the legal processes and interactions between prosecutors, public, private defenders, and judges that decide the fates of these teenagers The book begins by shedding light on the development of laws for Juvenile Delinquents. In the 1960s sentencing for juvenile offenders was entirely left to the mercy of the judge since as minors they were not granted the same legal rights as an adult However this practice allowed an Arizona Judge to sentence a teenager to six years in jail for making just an obscene phone call. Three years later when the Supreme Court overturned the conviction it ruled that juvenile delinquents could not face sentences more severe than adults This particular ruling, though safeguarding delinquents from the whims of an overzealous judge has also allows those who have committed serious juvenile offences to receive sentences which are more lenient than those warranted by the severity of the crime. This ruling and its consequences in shaping the life of Juvenile delinquents forms the cornerstone of Hume’s book . When Hume’s wrote his book the law in California allowed only offenders sixteen years old and up to be tried in adult court. This has proved to be an arbitrary and extremely infuriating cut off for both the prosecutors and the Judges. The reason for contention is that this law often allows a delinquent who is just a few months short of a sixteenth birthday being given a lesser sentence for a crime quite severe in nature while a delinquent who is just barely a few months over sixteen is a given a longer sentence for a crime of a less severe nature In his book Hume’s illustrates the injustice that delinquents have to suffer as a result of this ruling. He follows the case of 15-year-old Ronald Duncan from a middle class family with no prior criminal record. Duncan was accused of double homicide when he shot his employers at point-blank range. The motive for the crime: a few hundred dollars and revenge for a petty reprimand by his employer on being late for work. But because Ronald was still a few days short from his 16th birthday at the time of his crime the maximum sentenced he received was eight years and would be released by his 25th birthday– with a clean record. The author draws a parallel between this case and Geri Vance another case he has been following. This 16-year-old was forced to participate in a motel robbery by two drug dealers. When the robbery was botched Gerri ended up getting arrested because he took his wounded partner to hospital and sacrificed a chance to flee. Geri lacked a pre-meditated intention to commit this crime, a determination to reform, an excellent record in juvenile hall, the fact that he had not fired his gun and that he had taken a wounded man to hospital. How can they charge me with murder? I never even fired my gun at anyone, Geri tells the Intake Officer, which is perfectly true — and, legally at least, completely irrelevant. â€Å"I was forced to take part in that robbery. I didn’t want to do it, but I gave in. I know I have to do some time for that, I understand that. But I’m no killer. † (Humes 1997, 13) But despite all this he still ended up facing potential life imprisonment when his cohort died of his wounds because he had already turned sixteen and was treated like an adult. This is definitely a much severer penalty than the one imposed on Duncan who deliberately shot two people with the intent to kill them. However Gerry did get lucky on a plea bargain and his sentence was reduced to 12 years, still longer than the time served by Duncan â€Å"Geri Vance, the would-be motel robber — the murder defendant who killed no one — faces life in prison without possibility of parole, and will almost certainly get it. Ronald Duncan, the shotgun killer, can serve no more than eight years, and probably will do less. He can never see the inside of a state penitentiary. After his release, his record will be wiped clean, as if it never existed, the files sealed by state law, so that he can move freely, run for office, own a gun. † (Humes 1997, 15) In his book Hume tries to establish that three out of four juveniles who are arrested under the age of 16 walk away with minor punitive action. This has resulted in an increasing incidence of repeat offenders. He states that in California, repeat offenders account for almost 16 percent of the total crime committed y juvenile delinquents. However these repeat offenders only get serious and deterring punishment when their offences progress to the most serious levels. Until that happens the juveniles are not actually deterred from committing a crime because of the lax punitive measures. In his book Humes mentions that an experienced judge can predict the punishment meted out to a juvenile just by looking at the size of the file. â€Å"When a file is a sixteen of an inch, it will almost certainly end in probation. A quarter to a half inch, add some time in the hall†¦. An inch or so in thickness and the likely sentence is one of the county’s two dozen juvenile camps. And over two inches, the kid is probably a Sixteen Percenter. â€Å"(Humes 1997, 35) Another major issue: that Hume discusses in his book, is the fact that juvenile offenders with financial resources receive much more lenient sentences. He states that rich kids get their sentences tailored according to them while the poor kids receive sentences tailored to their crimes. He cites that this injustice occurs because rich kids and their parents can hire lawyers who prove to the judge through character witnesses that the rich kid is a law abiding and morally righteous and that his criminal behaviour is a deviant occurrence which can be corrected through rehabilitation and does not warrant a long sentence. However the poorer kid cannot prove the case for rehabilitation and ends up with a longer prison sentence. Hume discusses the need to reform the young offender. Offenders should be caught early at the age of 13 or even before that when they first start to cut school and commit their first offence or right after they join their official gang. â€Å"And, finally, when I was growing up, I learned how to load bullets into a gun. I learned how to carry it and aim it, and I learned how to shoot at the enemy, to be there for my homeboys, no matter what† (Humes 1997, 17) Currently the system doesn’t focusing on reforming those who are caught early because it is too overburdened in punishing those that it has allowed to become repeat offenders and commit serious crimes. Hume sites that there is a lack of proper rehabilitation facilities to accommodate those who can benefit and reform as a result. Rather than release young juvenile offenders parole send them to rehabilitation camp can prove to be a greater deterrent that can cause them to abandon their life of crime and escape serious punitive action in the future. Hume ends his book by advocating that that early prevention programs targeting kids with high-risk profile can yield positive results and reduce the incidence of absenteeism from school, first time drug use and repeat offences. He also notes that there is greater support to change the Law and have all juvenile delinquents be treated as adults and warrant serious punishments attributable to their crimes. Though this would definitely ensure that the Ronald Duncans of the world get what they deserve it would also mean turning a blind eye on the countless kids who could have been reformed through a rehabilitation program.

Do Not Count Your Chickens Before They Are Hatched

This is a famous written report that a slice was very poor and lived hand to mouth. halcyon go lucky, he earned a gold coin. He was very dexterous by that and comeed ejecting his future. He dreamed that by marketing this gold coin, he allow debase several chickens which then headliner to a poultry farm. With so much earning with the poultry he pass on buy cows and goats and as it seems, he will become very rich soon While he was in the bow of highest level of expectations, he was so deeply sank into the sea of never ending wishes that he didnt see main-hole opened.His foot intersected with it and he fallen and that gold coin ran to the main-hole. tout ensemble his dreams shattered and the castles he built in air ended in smoke. Although the story is quite humoristic but there be lessons in it. Say you have 6 eggs, and you invest in reach and a cage large enough to feed and house 6 chickens, but tho 1 egg hatches. There goes more or less of your investment down the d rain. All events elapse in a line. For example, you first point the job, and then you buy the car. Not the new(prenominal) way around. The phrase tries to explain that you should non think roughly the car until you remove the job.In the case of the chicken, you should first decoct on hatching the eggs ahead you focus on how much funds you ar going to make from selling the chickens. While looking ahead is heady but it is foolishness that one would start enjoying and thinking things before they happen or simply become closet-strategist. One must(prenominal) not, also confuse serpentine firmness with day-dreaming. Suppose we are meanning a trip to Northern Areas of Pakistan and estimate the budget, plan the routes or possible stops or booking advance the hotels etc. , this is observation tower or planning, which in turn dis work out save us from many another(prenominal) troubles.On the early(a) hand if we think in such a way that what games we are going to play? How m uch enjoyment we will be having? What will we do if we see the snowfall? Will we shove snow balls at each other? This is dreaming which can cause disappointments or upsetting. The conclusion is we should not think about the future before we reach it or simply dont count things if you dont have them however because its consequences may not be the comparable as we think. A great many of the problems faced by the world these old age is due to this reason.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How effective is Peter Brook’s film version of Lord of the Flies?

My make had been long caged, he came out roaring. This quotation, originating from Stevensons unexampled Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, beauti richly portrays the point that is foc employ on by Goldings reinvigorated schoolmaster of the move. The tedious backsliding from being civilised schoolboys to truculent savages is compacted into an representative story that implys many symbolic objects and stages, which could exclusively be interpreted and presented dissimilarly. Peter braves strike enlightened me of a whole upstart room of interpreting the novel. all told characterizations include certain aspects, such as, casting, location and unison. abide has used these basic building blocks to check an innovative analysis of Goldings novel. Although Brook had added and interpreted out certain occurrences in his fill variate it soothe contains the original heart of the novel, it is however presented in a different light. The setting of the pictorial matter is on Puerto R ico, is an island out the coast of the Dominican Republic. This setting include tot whollyy(prenominal) of the major places talked almost(predicate) in the novel, for vitrine the mountain, the fort, and the hobo camp.The location is includes nearly all the features that ar menti integrityd in the novel and in this respect is very orthodox in its interpretation of the novel. The bucking took place a short cadence after the authorship of the book and the exact was out by 1963. This suggests that the version shown as a assume was formed whilst opinions about the book were still mixed and forming. Although Golding leaves us in just about distrust to why the boys end up stranded on a desert island Brook tells us straight forward that the boys ar being evacuated at the tooth root of a nuclear war non all of the film concurs with the book. There are many word pictures including the discourse among Simon and the Lord of the Flies, Ralphs chat with the sailor and the im pression where zany refrains from killing a piglet. These snapshots are attain points in the book. I think the scene where mariner refrains from killing the piglet is non added so that the consultation olfactory modality no empathy with Jack. However I think that the colloquy between Simon and the Lord of the Flies is non added as it allows the audience to still moderate a very tense straggle of the novel personal.Ralphs rather ironic conversation with the sailor is replaced by sheer ruttish stare. I think this non to a greater extent useful than the conversation, however, it is almost equally as gripping. There were a few opposite scenes that were cut, yet the three mentioned above were the entirely crucial points in the film where I could feel that a big dissolve of the story was missing. There were as well as scenes that were added on akin oafish talking about post offices and Jack seeing a boy get whipped. Both of these tender scenes helped to draw a clea rer picture of two characters.The casting is an area where I doubt some of Peter Brooks judgement. Although I believe that Hugh Edwards playing Piggy is a correct match, and that he portrays the fat boy well. However, tomcat Chapin is not the ginger boy whos monstrous without silliness that I was expecting. James Aubrey also doesnt fill the expectations that I impression were in the novel of Ralph being built like a boxer. Roger Elwin however was perfect for the share of Roger, the slight, furtive boy whom no one knew. Another major fact was that the all of the boys were amateur actors.This brought an idea of innocence in my mind, which the boys lost towards the end of the film just now it did make some parts of the film disjointed and in coherent. However, I feel that if the boys were trained actors the emotions felt by the boys would provoke been more evident and therefrom the regression of the boys into barbarism would prolong been more excite and representable. T his version being filmed in the early sixties is in disgraceful and clean. It also contains many old pieces of music and linguistic communication.I think this adds to the film as it was the era that Golding was writing in and therefore its probably close to what Golding himself might necessitate been thinking. The strain between black and white also shows up the stark contrast between good and evil. And in the jungle the black and white imagery enhances the whim even further. But, in the novel Golding refers time and time again to colours, textures and tones this part of the novel could only be captured in a colour version if the film. A new-make setting for the film would help it to hit to modern people.If the setting was modern more people would be able to understand and enjoy the film, because some of the original terminology such as, sucks to your would not be effective with an average audience. When Golding wrote the novel it related in full to the environment it was written in. However this instant the socio-historic setting has changed and Britain no longer has the holy terror of the Cold War above its head, so the menace could possibly be changed to the threat of terrorism or tyrants. Music is used many times in the film.During the ledger entry we hear the stark difference between the melodious hymns of a school chorus and some loud music that draws a picture of bombardment. As I had rede the book this symbolised in my mind how the boys who were primarily civilised were leaving to be corrupted. We hear the choirs tone up on Jacks arrival. This seems to bring hope to the boys initially but when Jack arrives the story changes. We hear this same chant from the Jacks tribe when they are regressing to savagery and ironically when the sailors arrive.This was very effective and made the point that although there was savagery on the island, the savagery in the rest of the being is even greater. The most emotive scene in the film is when Pi ggy is killed. During this scene Peter Brook brings together all the different factors he has been using end-to-end the film to reach a stop at this moment. The loud derisive cheer, of the savages was portray as World War deuce air raid sirens. This was an excellent option by Peter Brook, as it captured not just the savagery of the boys on the island but also savagery throughout the domain of a function as a whole.As the increase of the boys gets louder we see the fight between Ralph and Jack portrayed to softly really. Theres not teeming emotion on James Aubreys acquaint when he lunges at Jack, however you grant to remember this is two twelve year-old children who are fighting and therefore the fight would accept been jumbled up. Finally we see Roger, whos not shown fully in the light, using a lever to move a rock. Whilst this is going on we see where Ralph helps Piggy when Piggy shouts, Dont leave me. Then suddenly the audience hears and sees the rock thundering down an d the outlive we here of Piggy is a alto yelp.If Brook had shown Piggy strewn on the ground, I think it would have taken some of the mental imagery away. I think that Brook has remaining out some scenes from the film because he wants the audience to use their imagination. All in all I thought that watching this film gave me another way of thinking about the novel. Peter Brooks version of Lord of the Flies was effective up to the point that it gets the audience to use their imagination and also to think carefully about the film. However, in this day and age, where people like to use their imagination as bantam as possible it cannot be fully appreciated by all.The ending for instance contains an ironic appearance that can be grasped by all. However, the deeper meaning of civilisation being corrupted needs to the worked out. If a modern combining weight was made many of the scenes that Brook left out would be added in and although the film would be less disjointed it would have l ost the great deal of separate out on imagination that Brooks version did have. This film presents a version of Lord of the Flies that is highly effective in retaining the center of the original novel and enhancing it.