Monday, September 30, 2019

The Laws in the Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement

The Laws in the Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement that started and grew through the years following the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 and with the help of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (Patterson, 2001) marked an important period that accomplished more than ending segregation in cities and unfair rights; it led to the transformation of American social, cultural, and political life. The civil rights movement did not only demonstrate that the rights of African Americans should not be ignored but also showed how a nation as a whole had the power to change itself. The way the civil rights unfolded, gave others a chance to reach equal opportunity in the future. When one thinks of the words â€Å"civil rights† one often thinks of Martin Luther King’s â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech before the nation’s capital. Many can recall television footage of peaceful marchers being abused by fire hoses and police dogs. These and other images can be seen as a struggle and intense burst of black activists that characterized the civil rights movement of the mid twentieth century. Yet African Americans have always struggled for their rights. Many consider the civil rights movement to have begun not in the 1950s but when Africans were first brought in chains, centuries earlier, to American shores (Gillon & Matson, 2001). In particular, those African Americans who fought their enslavement and demanded fundamental citizenship rights laid the foundation for the modern civil rights movement. The first slaves were brought to America in 1619 ( Gillon & Matson, 2001). Not until the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery following the Civil War did blacks gain their freedom (Gillon & Matson, 2001). But the newly freed blacks could not read or write and did not have money or property, and racism and inequality remain, especially in the South, where slavery had predominated for so long. To aid black assimilation into white society, federal and state governments implemented many democratic reforms between the years 1865 and 1875, the Reconstruction era (Gillon & Matson, 2001). The Fourteenth Amendment, for example, guaranteed blacks federally protected equal rights, and the Fifteenth Amendment granted black men the right to vote (Gillon & Matson, 2001). Despite these and other measures to help the former slaves’ rights, the effects of the Reconstruction era were short lived. In the area of extreme southern white society, many did whatever it took to keep blacks from enjoying any of the benefits of citizenship. Some, for example, sought to keep African Americans from equal rights through harassment or intimidation. A number of racist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), used even more cruel methods including lynching and other forms of violence to terrify African Americans seeking to exercise their rights or advance their social position. You can read also  Similarities and Conflicts in † a Streetcar Named Desire† As the constitutional guarantees of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments continued to slowly disappear, the Supreme Court struck perhaps the most crippling blow to the black struggle for equality: In 1896 the Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that blacks and whites could be legally separated as long as the facilities for each were â€Å"equal† (Chong, 1991). Facilities for blacks and whites were rarely equal. More importantly, the Supreme Court’s decision, by legally backing segregation, gave white society a powerful tool to keep blacks from enjoying the rights of citizenship. With the Supreme Court now reinforcing the South’s segregation practices, the environment of white racism gave birth to the Jim Crow Laws, southern customs and laws that kept parks, drinking fountains, streetcars, restaurants, theaters, and other public places segregated (Conklin, 2008). In response to Jim Crow, which by 1900 extended into all parts of public life, several leaders in the black community stepped up to debate political strategies to fight injustice and racial inequality. One of the dominant figures of this early movement for civil rights was an intellectual W. E. B. Du Bois, who encouraged African Americans to fight for the rights that they deserved. Du Bois’ crusade led, in part, to the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization that brought together lawyers, educators, and activists to collectively fight for black civil rights (Powledge, 2001). Through protests, agitation, and legal action, the NAACP continued a steady campaign to end segregation in housing, education, and other areas of public life. With the outbreak of World War I, well over a quarter of a million black troops joined the military, but were relegated to segregated units (Romano, 2006). At the same time, many blacks traveled north to take advantage of the rapidly increasing defense industries. This massive migration, however, aggravated unemployment and other problems that already plagued the northern urban centers. Racial problems continued. When the United States entered World War II, African Americans were, as before, subjected to discrimination in the defense ndustries and in military units, despite their willingness to risk their lives in combat (Powledge, 2001). These wartime experiences, along with a growth in the African American population resulted in a surge of black protest that brought Jim Crow under national scrutiny. During the 1950s, two incidents brought the issue of civil rights squarely into the public spotlight. On May 17, 1954, the NAACP, which had been steadily chipping away at the legal foun dations of segregation, won an unprecedented legal victory: The Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional (Polsgrove, 2001). Chief Justice Earl Warren presented the Court’s decision, in which he describes why â€Å"separate but equal† in education represents a violation of African Americans’ rights: â€Å"Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children. The impact is greater when it has the sanction of the law; for the policy of separating the races is usually interpreted as denoting the inferiority of the Negro group. A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn. Segregation, with the sanction of law, therefore, has a tendency to inhibit the educational and mental development of Negro children and deprive them of some of the benefits they would receive in a racially integrated school system† (Patterson, 2001). By ruling against â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine set by the case Plessy v. Ferguson, the court had struck a blow to segregation. But still many southern racist practices were still being practiced, and many whites remained opposed to change. With the ruling of Brown, the affects remained slow, if not existing at all. Many school officials refused to comply with the ruling and the threat of harassment; for the ruling had unleashed fierce resistance preventing many black students from enrolling in all-white schools. At the same time, schools for black students remained overcrowded, dilapidated, and, in general, grossly inferior to those that their white counterparts enjoyed (Conklin, 2008). The second incident that captured the public eye unfolded in Montgomery, Alabama, when a woman named Rosa Parks started the spark that would provide the momentum for the entire civil rights movement. On December 1, 1955, the NAACP member boarded a public bus and took a seat in the â€Å"Negro† section in the back of the bus. Later, Parks refused to relinquish her seat to a white passenger, defying the law by which blacks were required to give up their seats to white passengers when the front section, reserved for whites, was filled (Polsgrove, 2001). Parks was immediately arrested. In protest, the black community launched a one-day local boycott of Montgomery’s public bus system. As support for Parks began, the NAACP and other leaders took advantage of the opportunity to draw attention to their cause. They enlisted the help of a relatively unknown preacher, Martin Luther King Jr. , to organize and lead a massive resistance movement that would challenge Montgomery’s racist laws (Kohl, 2005). Four days after Parks’ arrest, the citywide Montgomery bus boycott began (Kohl, 2005). It lasted for more than a year. Despite taunting and other forms of harassment from the white community, the boycotters persevered until the federal courts intervened and desegregated the buses on December 21, 1956 (Kohl, 2005). The Montgomery bus boycott was important because it demonstrated that the black community, through unity and determination, could make their voices heard and effect change. Picketing, boycotting, and other forms of resistance spread to communities throughout the South. Meanwhile, King emerged as the movement’s preeminent leader. His adherence to the nonviolent tactics used by the Indian nationalist Mohandas Gandhi would largely characterize the entire civil rights movement and inspire large scale participation by whites as well as blacks (Sunnemark, 2003). From 1955 to 1960, the efforts of blacks to bring attention to their cause met with some success. In 1957 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, the first since Reconstruction, to establish a civil rights division in the Justice Department that would enforce voting and other rights (Davis, 2001). Meanwhile, the NAACP continued to challenge segregation, and out of that came numbers of new organizations that where formed. Among these, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), a Christian-based organization founded in 1957 and led by King, became a major force in organizing the civil rights movement (Sunnemark, 2003). An organization called the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) grabbed the media spotlight, and started many protests; when it backed four students who launched a sit-in campaign to desegregate southern lunch counters (Conklin, 2008). Not only was the nonviolent sit in technique used to desegregate other public places, but it gave large numbers of African American youths a way to participate in the movement. This helped gain national attention, bringing equal rights demands before the public eye. The protest movement continued to accelerate as different leaders tested new tactics and strategies. Many established community-based projects that sought to combat the barriers that kept blacks from voting. Others targeted the white terrorism that continued to intimidate blacks into submission. King and other leaders launched a massive campaign that brought together thousands of blacks in Birmingham, Alabama, one of the most segregated and violently racist cities at the time (Sunnemark, 2003). Early in the campaign, King was arrested and jailed. From his cell, he penned his famous â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,† which earned him the support of many sympathetic whites (Conklin, 2008). Meanwhile, as blacks continued the desegregation campaign in Birmingham, an event occurred that irrevocably commanded the attention of America and its leaders: In an effort to stop a demonstration, the notoriously racist police Chief Eugene â€Å"Bull† Connor turned vicious attack dogs and fire hoses on the peaceful demonstrators (Sunnemark, 2003). The force of the water slammed women and children to the ground and sent others hurling through the air. Television coverage and other media reports of these brutal assaults shocked the nation and viewers around the world. After a month of this highly publicized violence, city officials repealed Birmingham’s segregation laws (Powledge, 2001). In Birmingham’s aftermath, mass demonstrations continued to spread, as did fierce resistance within the white community. In response to these events, King and other leaders planned a mass gathering on the nation’s capital in the summer of 1963 (Sunnemark, 2003). On August 28, the March on Washington brought an estimated quarter of a million people, black and white, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, where King delivered his now famous â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech (Romano, 2006). This triggered the SNCC to start a wide-scale campaign to bolster voting rights. The group launched a massive voter registration drive throughout the South, concentrating on Mississippi, where less than 5 percent of the state’s eligible blacks were registered to vote (Conklin, 2008). Freedom Summer, as it became known, was marked by episodes of extreme white terrorism. One of the most heinous examples involved three young civil rights workers. The trio was working to register voters when they were arrested and later murdered by the Ku Klux Klan (Patterson, 2001). By 1965 the voting campaign had shifted to Selma, Alabama, where, under the leadership of King, thousands of demonstrators began a fifty-mile trek to Montgomery (Sunnemark, 2003). This time, as the peaceful demonstrators approached the Edmund Pettis Bridge, state troopers used police whips and clubs to halt their progress. The scene blasted into American living rooms via the nightly news. After â€Å"Bloody Sunday,† thousands of people gathered again to complete the march, this time under the protection of the Alabama National Guard (Powledge, 2001). On August 6, 1965, shortly after the highly publicized events in Selma, President Johnson signed into law the Voting Rights Act, which, for the first time since Reconstruction, effectively opened up the polls to southern black Americans (Davis, 2001). By the mid-1960s, many black activists started to lose faith in the civil rights reforms that thus far had targeted only the most blatant forms of discrimination (Chong, 1991). While King’s nonviolent direct action approach had dominated the movement, many people particularly in the North, adopted a more revolutionary stance. As a wave of nationalist sentiment grew within the movement, organizations such as SNCC and CORE took up more militant agendas. SNCC, for example, began promoting a program of â€Å"black power† a term that meant racial pride (Conklin, 2008). The greatest spokesman for Black Nationalism was Malcolm X. With his working-class roots and charismatic style of speaking, Malcolm appealed to a lot of young urban blacks. Malcolm rejected Dr. King’s advocacy of nonviolence and instead urged his followers to secure their rights â€Å"by any means necessary† (Sunnemark, 2003). After Malcolm’s assassination in February 1965, another extremely provocative Black Nationalist group emerged: the Black Panthers, a group that boldly adopted the idea â€Å"by any means necessary† (Sunnemark, 2003). Race riots exploded across America, as blacks trapped in urban slums lashed out against the poverty and racism still rampant in their communities. Not only did the riots devastate ghetto areas that were home to millions of African Americans, including those in the Watts section of Los Angeles, but the racial violence started a separation between those who continued to believe that civil rights could be achieved through peaceful means and those who were more violent . King’s assassination in April 1968 struck a blow to the already fractured civil rights movement. Marin Luther King Jr. became the face of national equality not just for African American but to all those who sought justice and freedom. The American civil rights movement nevertheless left a permanent mark on American society. Most of the forms of racial discrimination came to an end, and racial violence decrease. Today, African Americans can freely exercise their right to vote, and in communities where they were once banned from the polls. Millions of African Americans have been lifted out of poverty as a result of the many economic opportunities created by the civil rights movement. Also important, the civil rights movement served as a model for the advancement of other minority groups, including women, the disabled, Hispanics, and many others. The civil rights movement has left a legacy in which generations after it can learn by reading it and not through experiencing it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Example of a Research Plan Essay

Statement of the Problem The aim of the study is to identify the effect of different pH level of the Agar plate to the antibacterial activity of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape). Specifically, the study will seek for the answer of the question: 1.) Is there any difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level greater than seven (base)? 2.) Is there any difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level less than seven (acid)? Hypothesis 1.) There is no difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level greater than seven (base). 2.) There is difference on the No.of colonies after applying Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract on the Agar plate with pH level less than seven (acid). Research Methodology Materials and Equipment The study will make use of: Agar Plates, specifically Nutrient Agar, for different tests and as a controlled variable for the problem, Nutrient Broth, same purpose as the nutrient agar, Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract, Escherichia coli, for the gram positive, Bacillus , for gram negative, and Candida________ a test subject for the study. Also, the study will make use of litmus paper for measuring and maintining the pH level of the Agar plates. The study will also make use of spectrophotometry. Research Design The study will use Complete Randomized Design as a Research Design.   Control Group Design is two parallel experiments are set up, identical in all respects except that only one includes the treatment being explored by the experiment. The control group may have no treatment, with nothing happening to them, or they may have a neutral treatment. Statistical Tool The study will make use of ANOVA as its statistical tool. T-test can be use to compare two dependent samples/matched-pairs design experiments. The study will make use of two types of pH: Acidic and Basic. Each Agar Plate will be assign to one specific pH level. Inoculate the microbes in the Agar and in the broth. This can be done by streaking the loop containing the gram positive, gram negative, and the fungi . Data Gathering Procedure Prepare the Agar plate and the broth for the experimentation. The pH of the Agar and the broth must also be set. Place the agar filled petri dishes and the broth that have been inoculated in a dark, warm (86 F) place for a week for incubation. Apply the extract of Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) to each Agar plate and Nutrient Broth. Using the Colony Formation Unit (CFU), determine the number of colony inhibited. Record the data from the Agar plates and the Nutrient broth. Figure 3.1 Experimental Procedures Figure 3.1 Experimental Procedures shows the step by step procedure of the experiment. Starting from the preparation of the Agar plate with their assign pH level. The Agar plate will solidify at 32 ºC- 40 ºC but will melt at approximately 85 ºC. Next is to inoculate the bacteria by streaking the loop containing the bacteria. After inoculating the bacteria, the agar plate must be incubated for one week. After the incubation of the agar plates, apply the Santol (Sandoricum koet jape) extract to the each agar plate. Each plate must receive equal amount of the extract. Using the Colony Formation Unit (CFU), determine the number of inhibited colony/ies and record the data. Data Classification pH Level of the Agar Plate| Number of Colonies| | Trial 1Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 2Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 3Mean of Three Repetitions| pH 5| | | | pH 6| | | | pH 7| | | | pH 8| | | | pH 9| | | | Figure 3.2 Interactions in Acidic, Basic, and Neutral Agar Plate Figure 3.2 shows the effect of pH levels less than seven (Acid) on the no. of colonies. pH Level of the Nutrient Broth| Number of Colonies| | Trial 1Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 2Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 3Mean of Three Repetitions| pH 1| | | | pH 2| | | | pH 3| | | | pH 4| | | | Figure 3.3 Interactions in Acidic Nutrient Broth Shows the effect of pH levels lower than seven (Acid) on the no. of colonies. pH Level of the Nutrient Broth| Number of Colonies| | Trial 1Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 2Mean of Three Repetitions| Trial 3Mean of Three Repetitions| pH10| | | | pH11| | | | pH12| | | | pH13| | | | pH14| | | | Figure 3.4. Interactions in Basic Nutrient Broth Shows the effects of pH levels greater than seven (Basic) on the no. of colonies Bibliography * Anke, T. & Weber, D. (2009). Physiology and Genetics: Selected Basic and Applied Aspects, Volume 15. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, Germany * Chapelle, F. (2001). Ground-water Microbiology and Geochemistry (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Canada. * Kubitzki, K. (2011). Flowering Plants. Eudicots: Sapindales, Cucurbitals, Myrtaceae. Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, Germany. * Shahidi, F. & Ho, C. T. (2000). Phytochemicals and Phytopharmaceuticals. AOCS Press: USA. * Storz, G. & Aronis, R.H. (2000). Bacteria Stress Responses. ASM Press: USA. * â€Å"Agars.† Difco & BBL Manual., accessed January 17, 2008. * â€Å"Agar Bottles – Preparation & Equipment Use.† Science Stuff, Inc., accessed January 14, 2005. Mott, et al. * â€Å"Agar Bottles – Preparation & Equipment Use.† Science Stuff, Inc. l, accessed January 14, 2005. * â€Å"Artificial Environments for Growing Bacteria.† WW Bio Institute., (, accessed January 14, 2005. * â€Å"Microbiology.† MadSci Network., accessed January 25, 2005.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The UAE 2 and 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The UAE 2 and 3 - Essay Example Nike Company was started by two visionary men that redefined the sportswear industry. Bill Bowerman worked as a field coach and Phil Knight was a middle distance runner at Oregon University. Phil Knight sent his footwear ideas to manufacturing companies in Japan after completing his MBA from Stanford University but his ideas were rejected. He was then associated with Tiger Shoes Company and sent free samples to his Oregon University field coach. The idea struck Bowerman and became his partner to form Nike Company (Nike Inc, 2012). The concept of CSR is the commitment of companies to act in accordance with ethical guidelines and to participate in economic development of the country to improve lives of the people. The main objective of a business is to earn economic profits, but if social objectives of the community are met then it can offer company with huge financial gains in the longer run. The companies that apply CSR must comply with norms, duties and laws of the particular society. Corporations have a duty towards a society as they have an impact on the decisions of companies. Ethical disposing of waste materials carried out by factories or strategic decisions made by a company are all counted CSR key activities (Schwartz, 2011). Nike has a strong ethical base for participating in community work and proving themselves to enhance the development of the society. Social objectives are maintained by the company to achieve them accordingly (Nike Inc, 2009). The company aims to minimize the utilization of toxic chemicals which are used as an ingredient to manufacture a product. Nike Inc has a stance that the wastes of toxic chemicals are damaging for the environment (Nike Inc, 2012). Nike support communities through innovation in their products and advocacy. The company has a target to invest more than 1.5% from the total amount of income before tax for community serving purposes (Nike Inc, 2012). Nike believes that corporate

Friday, September 27, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Psychology - Essay Example This model of memory remained under extensive research in the following years. The physical growth in size of cerebrum and the number of functions associated with this evolved cerebrum demonstrates an important step in the evolutionary ladder of natural life. Memory is one of the very complicated functions of complex life forms and this complexity reaches its maximum when Homo sapiens are analyzed. Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory is an attempt to explain the various processes of memory which continue to operate in our brains. The first level of memory is identified as sensory memory. No matter which kind of stimulus is applied to the various senses of the body, the form of information that is delivered to the central nervous system is in the form of electrical impulse or the so called ‘nerve impulse’. For the purpose of translation of external stimuli, a number of receptors are present in the body, that continuously receive impulses in the form of vibration, sound, pressure, light and so on. These impulses are translated into electrical nerve impulses by their respective receptors and are then delivered to the brain as electrical signals. This sensory memory has a very short life span and it persists for only a few seconds i.e 2-3 seconds. The stage between sensory memory and long term memory is called short term memory. Certain chunks of information from sensory memory are shifted to short term memory which is also called working memory because the information stored there needs further processing. Short term memory easily fades away as soon as attention is drawn to any other matter; it lasts for only 18 to 20 seconds unless the information is rehearsed. Any information that is not lost after 18 to 20 seconds is transferred to long term memory. The capacity of short-term memory is limited and it is for this reason that only a small amount of information can be retained in short-term memory

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Knowledge-Sharing Tools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Knowledge-Sharing Tools - Essay Example A blog may be run from individual diaries to aims of media programmes, political campaigns as well as corporations in addition to from one infrequent author to a big community of authors. Most blogs are interactive and facilitate visitors to write and leave comments resulting in a community of readers focused on the blog whereas others are not interactive (Pellen & Miller, 2013). There are several benefits associated with blogs. Thus, blogs can be used as a principal source of news since they are suitable for sharing particularly breaking news with a large online audience, immediate reporting of conferences and events. Thus event updates which go out to people are current and offer personal perspective. The other advantage of a blog is that it can be used for conversations and can be utilized as a springboard to debate as well as voice opinions (Pellen & Miller, 2013). By its very nature, a blog can act as an avenue for individuals to pause from conventional communication approaches that seem to match the organizational red tape (Hastings & Domegan, 2013).Blogs also allow the hearing of human voice via reviews, commentaries and interviews which have been written by real people on the basis of first-hand experience. Consequently a blog that is well-written usually bonds with readers on a personal level, implying that it is the personal voice of the blogger that is ‘heard’. The other benefit of a blog is for personal and project information management meaning that a blog can act as a daily digest of news and activities. A blog is a one-stop shop for one’s videos, photos, web links and documents (Guffey & Loewy, 2010). Lastly a blog is beneficial in the sense that it facilitates knowledge sharing since blogging dictates that writers offer adequate links to extra information and resources. Such information is distilled, selected as well as organized to assist in elucidating and improving the understanding of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Goal #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goal #2 - Essay Example Indeed, my active participation in class has catapulted me to a higher notch in writing. I have made several achievements in both personal and group studies. I have made several achievements in my discussion group, class and the entire school by making sure in everything that I participate in, I turn out to be the best. This has solely been due to my undisputed writing skills. My regular class attendance has enabled me to actively participate in classwork. My listening skills always are at stake enabling me to capture all the information given out during a class. Each time a question is raised I find myself in a position to give out an answer. During group discussions with my fellow group members I actively involve myself in each and every discussion raised. We vigorously tackle each and every question brought up by any of us pointing out important aspects that can be of help during tests and exams. This has earned us a greater grades and the ability to expound on research given out. Each time I have a problem in every part of my studies, I always seek an appropriate instructions from the preferred instructors who, have never disappointed me. The instructors are always well informed on issues related with my studies. I really appreciate there good job. On the other hand, I am always the most punctual student in the class. My punctuality always enables me to get enough time to complete my assignment and submit them in the right time. This has made me to be one of the best students in my class. My submitted assignments are always ranked among the best in overall class submissions. Moreover, I always keep busy my group discussion members by constant participation in research questions. Being the head of our discussion group, I always make sure that all group work, questions and exercises are done and submitted in time. The quality of each group work done by us has always motivated other groups to follow our

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The arguments of Plato to Butler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The arguments of Plato to Butler - Essay Example Plato’s prisoners represent the ordinary people comprising the society that is yet to attain the right knowledge and wisdom meant to free themselves from their enslaving appetitive desires (Plato 53). This is similar to the Butler’s society; where Martha holds a long dialogue with God though, in this account, the protagonist’s represents her society. However, Martha’s knowledge is much more elevated compared to the ordinary people whom God plans to enlighten through her. This is evident from the way she is able to brainstorm and come up with ideas (the idea of dreams) meant to redeem the ordinary people. Martha’s knowledge or wisdom level is similar to Plato’s freed prisoners, who have returned to the cave with a diverse perspective regarding how they view life besides other aspects. This is contrary to what they used to perceive things seemed like before they resurfaced in the cave. Besides, the bound prisoners deem their peers who had the chance to go out and learn the reality of things; possess corrupted form of insight where after arguing, they intend to terminate their lives. This is similar to Martha’s case where she is unwilling to return to the world once God assigns her the duty of educating His earthly beings. Since, she is afraid that they may kill her when she emerges with a different perspective regarding life’s predicaments and how to solve them (Butler 171). Both Plato’s prisoners and Martha’s inability to comprehend God’s nature unveil humanity’s mediocrity that is a need of knowledge. This is to liberate the entire society from its appetitive desires bounding it to unending ignorance; hence there is need to employ adequate measures (of imparting knowledge) to eliminate them. Therefore, both Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† and Butler’s account â€Å"The Book of Martha† bear the same approach concerning how to impart their respective societies with the right knowledge meant to thrive or develop. What do these authors want us to know? The authors via these accounts imply that, we usually see things from the perspective which life’ s knowledge has prepared us. Hence, Butler’s argument, â€Å""You see what your life has prepared you to see," God said† (Butler 209). Therefore, people despite drowning in their society’s dubious mediocrity, will still persist to hold onto it, which is apparent from the cave prisoners’ stubbornness. These cave prisoners see their peers’ mind reformation as a corrupted way of thinking whereby they are ready to kill them, which is also similar in the Butler’s account (Butler 171). Hence, people despite their strong guest to advance their knowledge, normally lack internal liberty meant to accept it, whereby to some extent term any new idea as retarded mediocrity. Besides, the authors intend to imply the only few enlightened people in the society end up assuming the top posts or undertaking key responsibilities meant to develop the ignorant characters. This is regardless of peers’ resistance. For illustration, Plato contends that, philos ophers owing to their knowledge and wisdom ought to be kings, which is similar in the Butler’s account (Plato 166). Martha after getting enlightenment, God proposes to use her in redeeming the world, where he comes with an idea of resurrecting her. However, Martha wonders why God does not utilize other individuals, but he continues to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Response journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response journal - Essay Example This guy tells how Indians fled to the mountain to escape the inhuman nature of Spaniards. The Indians flees into the mountains from the Spaniards oppression. I would have liked it if they stayed and defended their native land although much of the suffering they underwent, seems unbearable. Spaniards employed attacks on children and women. Yes, they are the most vulnerable species but I would prefer if the Spaniards would have only attacked men alone. Oppressions of the Indians in the hands of Spaniards calling themselves Christians makes me feel that Christianity as a religion, is all about man’s laws and yet it is not. Christianity as a religion is seen as ‘holly’ because it is Godly with empathy and sympathy. I will prefer the author to ignore the idea of Spaniards referring to themselves as Christians and maybe give them a name without considering religion. Oppression Indians endures from Spaniards invention, known as the Grater Antilles, is inhuman. As Christ ians, though judgement cannot be passed unless God himself judge, they are expected to be fair and loving to others. Whenever a Factories is built in any given area, I expect job opportunities to be created. Job creation improves living standards of those around the area. It is sad to see factories built on unhealthy land that is unfavourable for the settlement. The main purpose of this factories should not be to provide a place to keep goods that arrive late at the but to cater for Indies needs. Slavey emerges, an idea that I can not support but fight to discard out. Spaniards uses this factory as a place of forecasting weather condition in order not to pose any threat to slaves being transported by canoes. It is sad to see someone being cared for as a slave but not as a native of the land. In this case, human life i is being dealt with knowingly Spaniards who are calling themselves Christians, in an animosity way.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Why do terrorist organisations have different structures Use examples Essay

Why do terrorist organisations have different structures Use examples of at least one decentralised and one centralised structure to illustrate your arguments - Essay Example anizational structure whereby daily operations, responsibilities of decision making and other military logistics are delegated by the top management to other middle level and lower level managers either within the same or different geographical areas. On the other hand, centralization refers to the organizational structure whereby most of the major logistics such as decision-making, resource allocation are conducted at the same office, which is the central head office. Decentralization by terrorist groups offers relatively more advantages than centralization (Rapoport 2004, p. 47). There has been efforts by the United States together with its allies aimed at destabilizing the Al-Qaeda organization but this organization continues to operate as normally and even more stronger and has been big security threat to the US and other western nations. Research has shown that part of Al-Qaeda’s prolific success lies mostly on its ability to function as a decentralized organization. Although the U.S invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, Al-Qaeda still poses serious threats to the national security of the U.S and this has been contributed by the decentralized manner in which they operate. The U.S has targeted this organization both militarily and politically but despite this, Al-Qaeda continues to thrive. Al-Qaeda has conducted several terrors acts even despite the efforts of Global War on Terror (GWOT) by the U.S. (Cronin 2008, p.102). Most modern terrorist organizations are thriving on very well because they function as distributed networks in what is called as decentralized system. The manner in which they operate makes such organizations able to survive better than if they were organized in hierarchical systems. Initially, GWOT actions had significant significances on Al-Qaeda but with the manner in which it operates, it has remained a resilient organization. For example, autonomous individuals and cells and advanced technologies combined with globalization tools and the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Amoled Technology Essay Example for Free

Amoled Technology Essay Since 2001, funded by national and european programs, the Institute is developing new research lines focused on molecular magnets, molecular opto-electronic devices, molecular machines and supraand supermolecular structures with long lived electron transfer processes. The IcMol has employed more than 100 scientific researchers and is based at the Valencia University Campus. The Institute presents the most advanced systems for the preparation and characterization of organic light emitting diodes, organic solar cells and other molecule based opto-electronic devices. Main tasks in the project are the following: †¢ Preparation of p and n type solution processable charge injection layers †¢ Wet processing of optically or electronically active small molecules †¢ Hybrid and standard device preparation and characterization www. uv. es www. icmol. es Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Leti Leti is a CEA laboratory located in Grenoble which is one of the main European applied research centres in electronics. More than 85% of its activity is devoted to research that is conducted with outside partners. We are a partner to the industrial world, with 200 collaborators and 350 contracts a year. Leti has led to the creation of almost 30 start-ups in high-technology, including Soitec, the world leader in Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI). We files some 180 patents a year and manage a portfolio of 1,000 inventions protected by patents. Our main areas of activity are as follows: †¢Micro-and nano-technologies for microelectronics, †¢ Technologies, design and integration of microsystems, †¢ Imaging technologies, †¢ Micro- and nano-technologies for biology and health, †¢ Communication technologies and nomad objects. Leti is endowed with an annual budget of 174 Mâ‚ ¬ and employs 1,000 people with, in addition, more than 500 external collaborators (postgraduates, research partners and industrialists). We have 11,000m? of clean rooms, an equipment portfolio worth 200 Mâ‚ ¬ and we invest more than 40 Mâ‚ ¬ a year on new equipment. Leti is one of the main forces behind Minatec ®, Europe’s premier Centre of Excellence in Microand Nano-technologies. In the future Minatec ® is destined to bring together more than 4,000 researchers, industrialists and teaching staff in Grenoble. www-leti. cea. fr Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners PPML PPML is one of the first European companies that are investing in OLED applications. PPML was born in 2005 with the aim to become the excellence in manufacturing OLED based solutions. Having collected a wide database of feasible applications, PPML is currently working in the deployment of some prototypes and general demonstrator in partnership with OSRAM-OS and with the aim to launch the first solutions in parallel with OLED introduction into the lighting market. PPML will contribute to CombOLED project leading the dissemination activities in order to accelerate OLED penetration to the final users. For this reason, PPML will lead a wide dissemination campaign through known channels like the organization of a specific Design Contest and special Workshops with the major European Design School. www. ppml. it Appendix 5:CombOLED Project, Partners Schreiner Group Innovation, Quality, Performance and Enthusiasm are the values of Schreiner Group based in Oberschleissheim near Munich. The family-owned business develops, designs and produces high-tech products. As certified system suppliers and development partners, seven specialized divisions offer a comprehensive range of innovative products and customized solutions. Schreiner ProTech delivers individual solutions for self-adhesive markings and functional components for engineering industries. Schreiner MediPharm focuses on self-adhesive products for medical technology and pharmaceuticals. Schreiner ProSecure offers a wide range of counterfeit-proof solutions for authenticity and value protection. Schreiner LogiData specializes in data carriers, transponders and complete systems based on RFID technology. Schreiner VarioLight develops and produces printed electronics, in particular high-grade electroluminescent lamps with electronic power supply and control components. Schreiner Systems offers complete solutions from consulting support and development of specifications, to delivery and installation of hard- and software, all the way to after-sales service. Schreiner Labels designs and produces labels for product marking and advertising. Schreiner Groups experience in printing electronic devices stems from various products including antennas, capacitive sensors and electroluminescent lamps.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Engineering Management Skills

Engineering Management Skills An engineering manager has four main fields of responsibility, that is, supervising engineers or technicians, project management, interacting with clients, and offering suggestion and representative as a resourcefulness. An engineering manager should be a completely permit and specialized. All job seeker must finish a university undergraduate degree in engineering. Engineering management is the field involved with the application of engineering principles to the planning and manipulative management of manufacturing and industrial organizations. Engineering managers requires an integration of technical skills, soft skills, and conceptual skills as well. Technical skills are the elementary type of skills. Engineering manager is a leader of the team; normally consist of a group of engineers, technicians and workers. Engineering managers should have a unique skill in a specific area which can leading them to stand out among the public. Along with the proficient of technical skills, the engineering manager will able to understand the requirement and specification of the whole project. Beside that, engineering managers should have self-confidence while leading the group. Show the ability that can resolve the technical problem and hence the employees might convinced to him. As an engineering manager, the continuing study and upgrading the knowledge is required. This will help them in solving the specific problem. Admittedly, to develop employees effective, the soft skills are needful for engineering manager. Actually, for engineering manager, technical skills are generally less important, and their professional development focal point should be on skills that will assists a manager become a good leader at the organization. People who like to interact with others, are congenital leaders, and are capable engineers discover this type of position remunerative. There is a standard of direction or instruction as stage of this position that is a fresh skill for great majority of engineers. Interpersonal skills and communication skills are extremely importance in this responsibility. In addition, conceptual skills are needed for engineering managers. These essential skills are regard as a fundamental requirement for managers who located in highest level of management position. A successful engineering manager with specific skills normally has brilliant cognitive abilities to deliberate creativity. The conceptual skills involved thinking creativity, analysis and diagnosis, recognizes, psychological skills, planning intelligence, emotional intelligence and problem solving skills. Engineering managers who provided with conceptual skills are able to investigate complex problems, imagine details, and effective practice of behavior. Overall, management is an integrated new profession for engineers. Engineers who take on management position should emulate and study new set of specific skills. From beginning, engineering managers may often confront an intercession period that requires accepting a whole fresh skill and mentality. Engineering manager should change their natural instincts such as straightforward answers and seriousness. The important principles for engineering managers may and must be flexible. Always put effort on additional skills, will bring good results. CHAPTER 1 TECHNICAL SKILLS Technical skills are those skills, such as intellectual and mastery that managers use to complete their task in specialized areas such as engineering or information technology. Technical skills must be come out by entire standards of administrative. High level of management use technical skills to develop project plans and for making conceptual decisions, and to focus on the individual decision making process. Technical skills give lower-level managers the capability, intellectual and practiced in a designated field, not only to perform tasks, but also to regulate the tasks of employee in that area. Technical skill can define as the most fundamental type of skills that should have to achieve in our life. The technical skills required of life general as well as the particular technical skills required of specific job or task. The technical skill suggests an understanding in a specific kind of task. It involves specialized knowledge, analytical ability, and facilities in the use of the equipments of the specific branch of learning. Occupational practical training programmes mostly do a great job in developing this kind of skill. Engineers may evolution to transform into technical specialists or to monitor a team of technicians and engineers. Some may ultimately become engineering managers or to participate other managerial tasks. In business, an engineering intellectual will offers them to discuss a projects technical specification and helps in production planning, assembly, and utilize. Unique Skills Engineers who always succeed the greatest in their profession are engineers who have unique skills in a specific area leading them to stand out among the public. It might be the difference between banality and distinct. Upgrading the Knowledge People who able to take his skill levels in a specific area one level higher than his have now, and always taking up the effort in value adding process. This effort may even bring long term extra pay or reward from an unimaginable source. Technical skill building is an on-going, and it is a never-ending process. Constantly upgrade the skills, make continuous education, and always stay at a distinct advantage of changes and developments. For example: An engineering manager who hadnt had a consulting project of any considerable order in over half a year, and he realize that the relationship between his effort for improvement with his lifes better response to the effort. He tried to improve his knowledge by continuous learning some higher level skills. Within a short period, he was contacted by a company to produce a large consulting project. Mechanical and electronic engineering manager The technical skills are fundamental to the job. The computer skilful is very important. Most professionals task widely with computer drafting software and other specific programs to help them design a new product. Besides that, engineers always work on physically building prototypes, which need manual practised and particular knowledge of various types of tools and assemble techniques. Normally, it is require working rapidly and efficiently, without skipping any steps in the building procedure. After the prototypes has been completed, the engineer manager will passing the idea to the development teams member, and supervise them to complete the task according to the initial concept. Information Technology engineering manager The hardware support is the basic technical skill for information technology engineer, it depend on specialized training in hardware installation, software application, and computer networking. As an information technology engineer manager, the continuing study and upgrading the knowledge is required. Else, that will be difficult in certain kind of problem solving. The information technology is rapidly changing, the technology tends to evolve rather quickly, such as telecommunication, and there is an evolution from 3G to 4G, just taking a short period. The information technology manager should always review and estimate the current applications are satisfying the demands of the company. Besides that, the manager must be able to verify the new technologies to improve the objective of the company. Fully Integrated Skill As a skill gets carried out over and over again, it becomes nearly second. As the skill grows more integrated into out being, it transform from our conscious awareness of carry out the action involved in the skill fall into a subconscious stage where it is manipulate on an nearly automatic of implement. It is done without any effort and is done with a meaning of impassive. Technical Responsibilities Technical responsibilities can change greatly; it is depending on the scale and composition of the company. Identify Identify conclusive process scope that controls the reliability, quality and performance of the final product. Leading Lead the commercial grade design and progress a high volume manufacturing line in order to meet the requirement. Managing Manage the evolution of mechanical, electronic and electrical, and software systems for carry out, inspecting and controlling all field of the manufacturing process. Inspection Manage the design of electrical and mechanical measurement tools for received good monitoring, post-process inspection and final inspection. Evolution Evolution and refine the innovative product line to meet the requirement of client. Engineer manager will be working closely with the CEO, clients, contractors and manufacture groups. CHAPTER 2 SOFT SKILLS Soft skills also define as interpersonal skills. Engineering managers require interpersonal skills to be efficient. Without the capability to influences others, produce good decision making and control many preferential, the excellent of technical skills arent going to dedicate completely to the administrative of the team. As a engineering manager, who realize themselves badly off in interpersonal skill, must try to aspire training at any time to support up leadership skills, human skills, communications skills, management skills, presentation skills and so on. An administrative management must hold out such training. Engineering managers requires an integration of technical skills and interpersonal skills as well. For engineering manager, technical skills are generally less important, and their professional evolution focal point should be on skills that will assist a manager become a primary leader of the business. For those engineering managers who are not willing to spend those specialize into leadership path, may not be the greatest rightness for engineering management responsibilities. Human Skills Human skills include realizing how to interact nicely with people. Normally, nobody like to working for a manger that is impolite and inconsiderate. A manger lack in human skills can decrease both spirit and productivity of the team. However, engineering manager with effective human skills always has employees with a positive manner and a tough desire to boost up company productivity. It is important for engineering manager to work effectively with positional, subordinates, and supervisors. Always entertaining employees or workers with respectful and polite together with the ability to expressive a vision for the task are main element to a manager to archiving an interpersonal skills. Well communication skills and the intelligence to associate with people are the essential to become a successful engineering manager, or else, they will not be able to express their opinion for the business with the involved person. A successful engineering manager able to complete the task in all kind of responsibilities by cooperates with workers, technicians, managers and clients. Leadership Responsibilities Every organization requires certain people to take leadership responsibilities. Anyone can be a leader, as long as they are proficient in leadership skills. The organization will develop well if everyone expends their professional skills into proper leadership roles. A leader is someone who looks for works that havent been completed or pursue to improve the teams objectives to make it become more efficient. Leaders are responsible for employing, training, inspiring, counseling, and disciplining their employees. They always pursue to inspiring and utilize the energies and skills of employees to guarantee a productivity and efficient work. Besides that, they must always instill positive thinking or manners, to ensure that all the employees are working towards an achievement of same goal. Be a good example As usual, there are leaders and there are followers. Developing good leadership skills can bring about the excellence between the two. Some of the people claim that, a strong leader is born and not made. This is not to conclude that, the leadership skill does not be able to learn. As an engineering manager, try to developing yourself to stimulate become a good leader. People always follow a good leader due to he is stand for the beliefs of a team. This person is always well focused on a main objective and resolves the difficulties. In the same time, the employees will be happy to provide the support for the team in order to succeed in accomplishes their goals. Background Skills for a Manager In order to processing the effectively influencing of the teams activities, a leader should also need to influence their employees through some characters such as personal glamour, expertise, command of language, and the produce of mutual respect or polite. The engineering manager should also require to handling some background skills such as mentoring, decision making, group works, delegation and motivating others. Mentoring Become a trusted advisor and assistant with experience in a specific field. Actively sustaining and directing someone to develop their experience and knowledge in order to achieve career goals. A mentoring relationship could be formal or informal, but must include trust, respect, acceptance and commitment as both sides work together to accomplish a common goal. Group work Team work defines as any activity in which members work together. It also explains as an activity that has been specifically designed so that members can work in a team. An engineering manager should able to supervise the task for each member in the group. Help each other with their task given in order to achieve the common objective. Always corporately and working efficiently with other team members. Decision Making Evaluate proper evidence and balance up that evidence to make an option. As an engineering manager, should always taking responsibility for a decision and its consequence. Delegation An engineering manager should taking responsibilities for ensuring when to request someone else to carry out a decision for the task. In order to increasing the efficiency and productivity of the task, engineering manager should assigning responsibilities and power in a team by giving someone else the judgment to carry out the decision. Network Building As a leader, should always creating contacts with other people and keeping those contacts. For example, meeting and bring together with someone at a seminar with similar interests, and interchanging email addresses with them. Obtaining and keeping information about those who might be beneficial contacts for certain intention. Make use of a contact in an ethical way to help each other achieve particular goals. Motivating Others Engineer should always produce devotion and capability by being positively. Besides that, focusing on researching solutions and holding a positive manner even when thing are going bad. A good leader should always ask his employees about the ways to overcome the problem. Inspiring the team member to come out the solutions, and try to listening carefully to their opinion. Always prepared to support employees in taking agree with them, calculated risk, and not criticizing and blaming others when the thing is going wrong. Counseling Counseling defines as a personal talk with someone who need for helps in individual problem. Everyone has confronted with problems from time to time. As a good leader, employees will grow to respect him, and they will ready to come to him with problems. A leader always recognizes employees with problems, and he cannot let them suffer or just move them away. If the serious problem has been ignored, that will almost consequently become a group problem. Furthermore, counseling can also defines as listening. From the view of employees, when they get into trouble, they just need to talk it out about their worries and show the difficulties faced. After their worries and difficulties have been heard by leader gives the sufferer a feeling that his/her worries and difficulties are rational. Hence, by using this way, the self-confidence of employees might increase, handling the problem easily. Management Skills Engineering manager requires understanding many aspects of the business in running a task. The important skills related on special skill or knowledge in the area of organization, finance, marketing surveying, communication, and human resources. Based on the research, great majority of the projects fail because the management skills distribution of the project has not obtained enough notice. The human element has not been sufficiently concerned. For an organization or individual, the transform or change is stressful. It the manager is capability to develop this kind of change; he will accomplish his objective or goal easily. Planning Planning is an essential skill. It provides a common conceptual system to integrate a variety of related skills, involving problem solving skills, scheduling, to develop estimates of the time and resources needed to complete the project, negotiation with client, and conflict resolution. Planning is a sequential process, where a decision at certain stage helps transparent your choices in the next stage. As a manager, he can utilize the suggestion after each stage to help define the particulars for each task. The efficient utilize of planning will do more than any other technical skill to advance both obtaining the job done and managing the group together. Planning is advantage in team organization and individual. Managing Risk Engineering manager can also learned how to recognize problem of risk by establish a project permit that transparent the objectives, opportunity, limits, resources, and timing for the project. Manager require to know how to apply management skills to develop these ricks, Some of the organizations had provided certain kind of certification courses of training for this specific skills for new of future engineering managers. Budgeting An engineering manager should understand how to use the budget. It is another fundamental management skill, even though the organization has hired a team of profession accountants to manage the financial path. There are three important steps to a budgeting, first is preparing it, second is writing it, and final step is monitoring it. Although the finance department are responsible to charged with perform these matters for manager, but as a good engineering manager have the responsibility for the projects budget planning. Besides that, engineering manager also require to understand what have been told about the projects budget. To fully integrate into budgeting, engineering manager need to know about the logically challenge of project cost overrun. By develop this essential skill; engineering manager can be able to managing the budget efficiency. Team work The effective team work will assist an engineering manager to developing his/her project effectively. A good engineering manager also is a team leader as well. Always prepared to help and work with team member to accomplish the common goals. A good manager will able to set up a culture of teamwork into all direction of the task given. Furthermore, there will be a high self-respect within all of the team members, and it sense that they already feel personally included in the whole process of the project. Hence, the project will be success. Decision Making Decision making defines as an action of selecting between two or more type of option. Nevertheless, it might often be bear in mind that there may not always be a right decision making among the available choices. Sometimes there may have been a greater choice that had not been regarded at the suitable time. It is important for a manager to take notes of all decision and the reasons for each decision were made in order to make the improvement in the future time. Besides that, by using this way, we can easy to justify for any decision taken when problem is occurs. Time Management Engineering managers require the ability to organize themselves and others by implement of time management. Always require to examine precisely what had spending your time on and how significant are those task and distributions of time to the successful accomplish of the project give. For example, as an engineering manager, you could spend a lot of time per day just for reading the emails. Actually, this task can be distributed to your clerk or personal assistant. They might tell you what needs follow up with immediately and what can be keep until later or just ignore. By using this way, a manager could save a lot of time and concentrate in another part of the project like checking on progression or inspecting the quality and so on. The time management skills should be applies, and do take note that, it is not necessary to manage the entire task by yourself. The greatest way to improve the time management skills is to further up our self-control and hence can develop the task without terribly upset. Communication Communication is fundamental for effective operation in every stage of an organization. Even though finance, marketing, production, and technical department, may receive guidance from overall objectives and goals, the communication will connects them together and easier become organizational achievement. Communication is required to improves efficiency, quality, give satisfaction for customer, and hence create renovation products. Effective communication is very crucial for company success. That shouldnt only for manager, but also their employees and team members must be efficient in communication. The responsibilities of an engineering manager is to assist their employees improve their communication skills. The good manger must be able to established collaborative relationships through active listening. If all of the team members can communicate efficiently with each other, the performance of the team will be improved. Several ways to improve the relationship between manager and employees: Manager should Always identify employees training requires. Give feedback or suggestion on employees performance. Form a principle for staff decision is necessary, such as promotions, disciplinary actions, allowances, and salary increases. Offer the chance for company diagnosis and development. Demonstrate staff hiring techniques and human resource policies. Interact with client Beside that, interacting with the client also act as an important stage of the role of engineering manager. An engineering manager is usually involved in the beginning meeting, examining, designing of the product, and supervising of the team members. Frequently scheduled meetings with clients are normally planned by the engineering. The ability to operate well with an extensive range of people, and always share opinion and experience with employees is important. Now, many engineering manager attend additional courses in order to advance their communication skills that will help them to managing the employees. Controlling the Group As a good manager, always balances getting the job completed and managing the team together. Control is always a public behavior of the engineering manager. To control the team efficiency, an engineering manager should: Set the tempo A good manager should illustrate his volunteer to do anything asked from team members. Beside that, always sets a good model and example. Observes Observes the team and communicates with the team members but it is not necessary to dominate. Always tends to give suggestions for improvement, it is better than orders. Instructs Communicate clearly with employees. A good manager always allows team members to use their own idea. Although there is a mistake occurs, try to correct the mistake with mutual respect and without blaming. If the work is going well by employees, do not disturb. If necessary, try to offer direct support and instruction. Counsels A leader should be ready and willing to support their employees with certain needs. Always recognizes employees with problems, and he cannot let them suffer or just move them away. Beside that, encourages all of the team members to show their best. Inspects Practice and manage a positive thinking and does not appraise or blaming. Praises good work, in the same time silently provides suggestions to correct the errors. Avoid making employees fall into contempt. Reacts Identifies that responsibilities for lose or breakdown is on the leader, do not shift the blame on employees or team members. Always remain humble and constantly work hard to give service to the team. Human Resources Responsibilities Broadcast and Advertises Engineering Duty Moreover to supervising production, engineering managers always undertake human resources responsibilities as well. Manager broadcast and advertises engineering duty open to public in order to hire new workman and offer practically training. Human resources consist of all elements of employee management, such as recruiting, hiring, training, reserving and dismissal. Within each given area, they are verified effective human resource administration strategies. Effective human resources management skills The successful human resources management skills are needed for a productive organization that can accomplish the goal which is higher profit. All of the employees are a required resource in any organization. If the company does not using effective human resources management skills can be a bad bargain for a business. Human resource management skill is the anticipative developing of people. It needs opinion in advance, and planning methods for an organization to meet the requirement of its employees. In the same time, it also the employees also will meet the requirements of the organization. By using this way, the effective improvement of productivity will appear. A good human resource management should always improve everything from recruiting, hiring, training to evaluate skill and discipline. By improving the employees keeping proportion can reduce the cost for organization to training or hiring new employees. CHAPTER 3 CONCEPTUAL SKILLS Conceptual skills are skills that use the capability of a human to produce concepts. Conceptual skills also defines as a skills that manager should have to think and to conceptualize about digest, abstract and complicated condition. By using this essential skill, managers should be able to observe the company as an integrated, know the relationships between different subunits, and imagine how the company suits to its wider environment. These substantial skills are most significant at the highest grade of management. An engineering manager at the highest level of the companies have the responsibility for making the decision for whole sense of organization and set up the objective and goal that impact the whole organization. In the business field, these essential skills are regard as a fundamental need for managers who located in highest level of management position. Good engineering managers with specific skills normally have brilliant cognitive abilities to deliberate creatively hence resolve problems. A manager be provided with these essential skills are able to investigate a complicated issue and visualize details, and effective practice of behavior. To apply conceptual skills to produce concepts, progressing solution and resolving difficulties. They are some important steps need to follow: Ensure the outcome to be accomplished or explain the problem. Investigate and analyze all required information Evaluate the choices by using problem solving skills Analyze the feasibility of each option. Determine and perform most appropriate solution. Thinking Creativity and Visualizing Abstractions A concept is a series of ideas. A concept manages many ideas jointly; an idea is similar to a brick, it is not a final formation for a building. The final formation is the concept. Do not start a project without a creative concept. The creative concept is the way or the plan that you will use to produce the required outcome. As an engineering manager, you are requiring the ability to comprehend a situation or difficulties by evaluating and cope with possible issues and limits. Conceptual thinking involves organizing the sections of an issues or condition is a regular way and being able to visualize opinions and ideas. Hence, you can extend abstract ideas from certain case. Analysis and Diagnosis A manager should observe at models in events or objects. Always understand how to visualize the ideas. Engineering manager requires analyzing and diagnosis complicated situations which need them to learn conceptual skills. They are able to make the process rationally and make clear with available information. Beside that, engineering manager must be able to determine problems, identify correct option, estimate them and pick the greatest one in order to make a rational decision. Nevertheless, some managers lose in the direction due to lack of ability in rationally processing and illustrating information, managing the results in mind. An individual with conceptual skills can determine how ideas are relevance. They effectually see individual compositions in relationship to the entire project. Inspecting complicated situations and difficulties are important for an engineering manager. Furthermore, problem solving is an important skill that includes both creativity and analysis. A leader with strong conceptual skills always recognized as effective managers, due to their ability to comprehend the whole organization and develop the creativity strategies. Recognizes Recognizing how the different functions and operations of the company depend on one another, and how varies in any one part impact all the other. Recognizing also extends to visualizing the relationship of the personal business to the manufacture, the society, and the governmental, social and financial condition forces of the whole country. Recognizing also involves the thinking in terms of the following: Relative emphasis and proprieties among debating the standards and objectives. Relative tendencies and probabilities, rather than determinate case. Difficult relevancies and patterns among compositions, rather than legible and cause/effect relationships. Training Skills Training can improve previously developed conceptual skills. In developing the conceptual skills, some of the best consequences have been accomplish through guiding of employees by managers. By using the training techniques, manager can help his employees by supervising a specific responsibility. If there is an employee who confront with problem, try to reply with expedition question or opinion, rather than straight way giving answer. By using this way, the employees might learn to solve the problem, and hence their work performance also improved

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Essay -- Tom Wolfe

Courage is The Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe Tom Wolfe's novel The Right Stuff, gives an accurate description into the lives of the first astronauts and rocket-powered aircraft test pilots, from their careers before, during, and after their selection to become astronauts, through to their private home lives. All throughout his book, Wolfe refers to "the right stuff" and "this righteous stuff" without ever saying upfront what "the stuff" really is. I have concluded that throughout the story, "the right stuff" is simply courage. I would personally define courage as: The willingness to put yourself in a potentially dangerous situation. It is never easy to put yourself into a dangerous position, this is because our brain is programmed for survival, but there are ways to better equip our brain so that these situations become less dangerous. A couple of these ways are with our natural instincts and good training. When you have natural instincts for something, it makes that task easier than for someone who doesn't have the same instincts. There was a good part of Wolfe's book that described how instincts led to Gordon Cooper being selected into the Mercury Program. It was when he was doing the initial interview sessions when the "NASA psychologists were asking candidates about their family lives, Cooper was able to sense the correct answers and describe his family life as terrific, when in fact they were separated". Cooper's natural people person instincts helped him recognize what this line of questioning was about, kept him in the running for an astronaut position-which he later received-and was able to reconcile with his wife so they looked like the model family. Throughout his book, Wolfe describes training that these men ... ...flight". So after reading stories of astronauts, their families, and test pilots, I take Tom Wolfe's phrase "The Right Stuff" to mean courage that was obtained from natural instinct and training. Without any of these special traits, I believe that finding a person to fly strapped onto a rocket into the heavens would have been a very difficult one for the military and NASA. They are the intangible items that make the difference between life and death when a person is placed in a dangerous situation. BIBLIOGRAPHY Wolfe, Tom. The Right Stuff. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 2001. Wolfe's novel describes the early years of the manned rocket flight era. He tells stories from legends like Chuck Yeager, Allen Shepard, Neil Armstrong, and Gordon Cooper. These stories tell about their histories from screenings to become astronauts to being record-setting test pilots.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Study of the Dramatic Roles of Women in Richard III Essays -- five f

There are five female characters in the play Richard III. Of these five there are four central female characters; the Duchess of York, Richard's mother; Anne who later becomes Richard's wife; Queen Margaret who was the former queen and Richard's arch enemy and Queen Elizabeth, the current queen. The final female character who plays a minor role in the play is Queen Elizabeth's daughter, Elizabeth, but she is merely a pawn in Richard's plan and we never meet her. Each woman has a significant role in Richard III and is vital to the script. Anne is the first female character that we meet in the text (act 1 scene 2), which is where she is wooed by the ultimate villain in the play, Richard. Anne has just lost her husband and is wallowing in self-pity when Richard appears. Anne is a vulnerable and weak character throughout the play although she appears bold and vengeful at the beginning of this scene, trying to disarm Richard with words, 'Dost grant me, hedgehog? Then God grant me too/Thou mayst be damned for that wicked deed!' Anne is confused and emotionally unstable which makes her more susceptible to Richard's charms. Anne's dramatic role in the play is to reveal Richard's power to charm and manipulate which he does exceptionally. Although the audience know of his true intentions and that he does not plan to 'keep her long' we are glad that he has succeeded because he is the typical villain that we love to hate, although Anne must be corrupt to succumb to him and his charms. He admits that he killed her husband and her father-in-law 'Nay, do not pause; for I did kill King Henry/But 'twas thy beauty that provoked me/'twas I ... ...use they have all been victims of King Richard and finally realise that they have to support each other because they have no-one else. Queen Elizabeth asks Queen Margaret for instructions in cursing 'O thou well skilled in curses, stay a while/And teach me how to curse mine enemies!' which I believe is her way of saying sorry and treating her as an equal. The women in this play are vital to the script and although they have no power whatsoever in this play, without them neither would Richard. Part of each of the female characters role was to show that in their era it was the men that held the power and the women were entirely powerless which Shakespeare presented superbly. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Richard III. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1997), 515-600.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Huckleberry Finn: A Free Spirit Essay -- essays research papers

Huckleberry Finn: A Free Spirit Huckleberry Finn is not an escapist, but a free spirit who only wants to live deeply disentangled from the bonds of society. An escapist is someone who flees from his/her responsibilities, while a free spirit is a person who knows no boundaries, and cannot be tamed by society. It may appear at first that Huck is an escapist, for he enjoys not having to go to school when living with his father. He escapes from the cabin and his father’s abuse; however, he escapes from his father’s cabin out of the necessity of survival, not because he didn’t want to accept responsibilities. Even though Huck did enjoy fishing and relaxing in the sun during his stay with Pap, it wasn’t the responsibility that he was escaping, but the rules that society had imposed on him. Huck didn’t mind learning new things and being knowledgeable, but he did not like to get dressed up, to have to go to school, to be well behaved and polite, and to learn good manners. â€Å"I was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing†¦and my clothes got to be all rags and dirt, and I didn’t see how I’d ever got to like it so well at the widows where you had to wash and eat regular†¦It was pretty good times up in the woods there, take it all around.† (p. 31) Living in the woods is harder work, having to catch food and build fires to stay warm, but Huck doesn’t mind work as long as he can do it how he wants to. Huck is always going against society and cannot liv...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Gardian Angel Essay

The guardian angel is a unique â€Å"spiritual being† that I find very interesting to talk about and real in every way and this is based on facts that happened to other individuals and from my own personal experience. A guardian angel in my opinion is a protector that guards you or a group of people from evil and can also guide you through the toughest of times. I believe a guardian angel is given powers from the good man upstairs. Guardian is to guard and angel is an angel sent from God. Religious people who have faith and believe in God are more typical to believe in guardian angels. It is a blessing from the good Lord to have a guardian angel walk by your side. A guardian angel is like a shadow and is always there to assist you from the evil. The little miracles that happen to a family or a person are the work of God and his helpers, the Guardian angel. For example, the time when I was eleven years old and I was helping my uncle Don paint a Denny’s restaurant. I was up on the upper deck painting the ceiling when I went too much on the side and fell straight down, at least 13 feet from the top. My uncle Don said that he found me on a pile of tarps sleeping. I know that I had a guardian angel looking over me at the time; it was as if my guardian angel took control of my body providing me some wings to slow me down from a bad and dangerous fall. The evil things that we are sometimes surrounded by are when a guardian angel is most needed and present themselves. Another example is when Congress woman Gaby Gifford’s got shot in the head and even doctors thought there was no chance she would remember who she was, or even live for that matter. But she overcame all the challenges that bestowed her. A lot of people, who did not believe in the lord before are finding themselves believing now since Gaby Gifford’s situation. Her guardian angel interceded for her and helped her so that the bullet would not go in the area that would kill her. Another time was when I was living in Los Angeles. I was in middle school walking home with my little brother Ricky and we got held up by gang bangers. They had held a knife to my throat with my feet dangling in the air. I don’t know how we got out of that alive but I do believe it was my guardian angel. In conclusion my personal definition of a guardian angel is a spiritual being that guards, guides and provides safety to people at any point or time of need and danger in their lives.

The Roles of the Gods in Greek Myth

The Roles of the Gods in Greek Myth In Greek myth, there are many deities who specialize in different realms. According to Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound and Homer’s Iliad, Greek gods do not only have power, but also have interactions with humans. Most of Greek deities make themselves or their intent known to humans through direct communication and indirect punishment. Zeus punishes Prometheus, the creator and protector of the mortals, for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the human beings. Zeus, the king of the Gods, rules the world by his own laws.Although Prometheus is one of the most intelligent Titans and takes Zeus’s side in the Titanomachy, he cannot avoid being punished for the violation of Zeus’s will. After Zeus wins the war against the Titans, he plans to destroy humans completely and create another race (Aesch. Pro. 229-237). Since Prometheus opposes Zeus and shows excessive stubbornness and pride, Zeus demands that his servants, Stren gth and Violence, chain Prometheus to a mountain to show his power. Gods also communicate with human beings. For example, in Iliad, Athena comes down and tries to make peace between Agamemnon and Achilles.During the war between the Achaeans and Trojans, Achilles, one of the Achaean’s most important warriors, is angry with the commander Agamemnon for taking away his reward, Briseis, and stops fighting for the Achaeans. Athena hates the Trojans, so she talks with Achilles to convince him to stop fighting with Agamemnon and join the battle (Hom. Il. 1. 241-251). In addition, Athena gives the Achaean hero Diomedes incredible strength and the ability to see the gods so that Diomedes can be more powerful in the war (Hom. Il. 5. 1-3).She also encourages Diomedes and warns him not to challenge the gods except Aphrodite (Hom. Il. 5. 136-137). Although the Greek gods communicate with humans and help them in some ways, they are actually not morally upright. Most of time, they make decis ions based on their own interests. Almost all the Greek gods are involved in the outcome of Trojan War, which was originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. Zeus promises to help the Trojans not out of any profound moral consideration but rather because he owes Achilles’s mother Thetis a favor (Hom.Il. 1. 600-609). Hera and Athena passionately hate the Trojans, so they work together to help the Achaeans recover from their retreat. Hera even seduces Zeus so that she can help the Achaeans behind his back (Hom. Il. 14. 283-289). In addition, the River Xanthus is very angry when Achilles kills so many Trojans, whose corpses are choking him. But in the fight between Xanthus and Achilles, Poseidon, the god of sea, comes to help Achilles because he holds a grudge against the Trojans, who never paid him back for helping them build their city.Because of the Greek gods’ involvement in the Trojan War, it becomes quite chaotic. None of them are imp artial or fair to both sides of the war. They are very emotional and always try to fight against the people they hate. The same type of behavior occurs in Prometheus Bound. Zeus has no pity or concern for others. He sent eagles to attack Prometheus repeatedly (Aesch. Pro. 1022-1025). Still, he decides to free Prometheus finally because Prometheus agrees to offer him an oracle. Therefore, the Greek gods are selfish and do not obey a moral code at all.Zeus is not morally upright; however, as the king of the Olympian gods, he plays an important role in both divine and human interactions. The main theme of Homer’s Iliad is the wrath of Achilles. Though Achilles refuses to fight against the Trojans because of Agamemnon’s disrespect, he returns to the battle finally. This largely depends on Zeus, who is one of the moderators in this story. He agrees to punish the Achaeans when Achilles’s mother Thetis asks him to do so, which abates Achilles’s rage. In most par ts of the story, Zeus stays impartial and keeps other gods from intervening in the war.In addition, Zeus, as the symbol of authority and justice, never comes down onto the battlefield to interfere with the mortal conflicts, in contrast to the rest of the gods who fight for what they favor. For instance, Apollo and Artemis, who support the Trojans in the war, often give aid to the city of Troy. Zeus acts as a balance through the entire war. Since he is subordinate to Fates, he keeps the gods in order and prevents them from violating the Fates. Zeus allows some gods to go to the battlefield after Apollo joins the battle because he doesn’t want the Achaeans to win earlier than they are supposed to.Throughout the Trojan War, Zeus is the director who keeps the war move along the right track. He mostly remains neutral and plays a vital role in the divine and human interactions. The divine interactions between Zeus and other gods are related to human affairs. These connections can b e found in the relationship between king and subjects, male and female. All the Greek deities need to obey Zeus’s rules because he is the king of the gods, a powerful tyrant. However, Prometheus is an exception. He gives fire to mankind and is so stubborn that he refuses to make peace with Zeus (Aesch.Pro. 167-175). As a result, he is chained to a mountain, where other gods can see how humiliating he is. Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaean army is also selfish and arrogant, which is the same as Zeus. When one of his valuable warriors Achilles challenges his leadership, Agamemnon is so angry that he takes away Achilles’s reward (Hom. Il. 1. 378-382). So it is obvious that no matter in the Greek mythology or real world, the king always is endowed with power that he can control his territory and get whatever he wants.But there is a little different in the standing of male and female. Unlike ordinary women, the Greek female deities do have some power; for instance, Hera i s the goddess of marriage and women fertility; Aphrodite is the goddess of sexual attraction. While in mankind, Homer describes women as useless containers. Since they only consume food and do not produce, they are inferior and not able to speak their wills or make any decisions. In Iliad, Chryseis and Briseis, a pair of beautiful maidens is honored to Agamemnon and Achilles separately.When Chryseis’s father tries his best to get his daughter back, Agamemnon replaces Chryseis with Achilles’s lover Briseis. Chryseis and Briseis are treated as objects. Homer does not mention any of their words in the book because no one cares how they actually feel except their parents. Overall, the similarities between divine interactions and human affairs are that the kings are always powerful and the female is subservient to the male. Though Iliad is a story about ancient heroes, gods and goddesses, it does reflect the values and conditions of Greek society at that time.Iliad was writ ten around eighth century BC, the Archaic Period in Greek history. The main transition is the rise of polis and colonization in Greek society. In the book, all the gods are leaded by Zeus and obey his rules, which reflects that each polis has its own ruler who is not morally upright and tends to set up dictatorships, raise armies and attack other polies to expand his influence. Additionally, the human relationships are not well if we consider the relationship between Zeus and Hera. In the Trojan War, Hera absolutely backs up the Achaeans.So when Thetis asks Zeus to help the Trojans, he is hesitated; however, he finally agrees because he owes her (Hom. Il. 1. 619-635). Hera hears that and asks Zeus what’s his plan, but Zeus replies that she will be the first to know whatever is right for her (Hom. Il. 1. 644-660). So Hera is very angry and decides to seduce Zeus in order to help the Achaeans behind his back. From the myth, we can find that there is hardly any trust or promise between husband and wife. So it’s possible that husband and wife in real Greek family may cheat each other for different reasons.Furthermore, Zeus promises Thetis that he will give Achilles more glories, which reflects that honor can be one of the most important subjects during that time. People want glory so that they can be powerful in the society. In conclusion, the Greek gods always have power in different areas, but they still are not as powerful as Zeus who rules the world. They use different ways to show their power to the human beings, such as communication and punishment. However, these Greek gods including Zeus are not morally upright. They act on their own selfish purposes and sometimes cheat each other to get what they want.As the king of the gods, Zeus is crucial in the human and divine interactions. He can control the war and make those who challenge his authority like Prometheus to suffer. The depiction of the gods and divine interactions actually provides a re alistic view of human conditions. The rise of polis and colonization are the important themes in the Archaic Period. The king of the polis always has strong power and makes decisions based on his will. The warriors and leaders are usually male because women are considered to be useless and inferior, which is a little contrast to the Greek myth. The Roles of the Gods in Greek Myth The Roles of the Gods in Greek Myth In Greek myth, there are many deities who specialize in different realms. According to Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound and Homer’s Iliad, Greek gods do not only have power, but also have interactions with humans. Most of Greek deities make themselves or their intent known to humans through direct communication and indirect punishment. Zeus punishes Prometheus, the creator and protector of the mortals, for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to the human beings. Zeus, the king of the Gods, rules the world by his own laws.Although Prometheus is one of the most intelligent Titans and takes Zeus’s side in the Titanomachy, he cannot avoid being punished for the violation of Zeus’s will. After Zeus wins the war against the Titans, he plans to destroy humans completely and create another race (Aesch. Pro. 229-237). Since Prometheus opposes Zeus and shows excessive stubbornness and pride, Zeus demands that his servants, Stren gth and Violence, chain Prometheus to a mountain to show his power. Gods also communicate with human beings. For example, in Iliad, Athena comes down and tries to make peace between Agamemnon and Achilles.During the war between the Achaeans and Trojans, Achilles, one of the Achaean’s most important warriors, is angry with the commander Agamemnon for taking away his reward, Briseis, and stops fighting for the Achaeans. Athena hates the Trojans, so she talks with Achilles to convince him to stop fighting with Agamemnon and join the battle (Hom. Il. 1. 241-251). In addition, Athena gives the Achaean hero Diomedes incredible strength and the ability to see the gods so that Diomedes can be more powerful in the war (Hom. Il. 5. 1-3).She also encourages Diomedes and warns him not to challenge the gods except Aphrodite (Hom. Il. 5. 136-137). Although the Greek gods communicate with humans and help them in some ways, they are actually not morally upright. Most of time, they make decis ions based on their own interests. Almost all the Greek gods are involved in the outcome of Trojan War, which was originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. Zeus promises to help the Trojans not out of any profound moral consideration but rather because he owes Achilles’s mother Thetis a favor (Hom.Il. 1. 600-609). Hera and Athena passionately hate the Trojans, so they work together to help the Achaeans recover from their retreat. Hera even seduces Zeus so that she can help the Achaeans behind his back (Hom. Il. 14. 283-289). In addition, the River Xanthus is very angry when Achilles kills so many Trojans, whose corpses are choking him. But in the fight between Xanthus and Achilles, Poseidon, the god of sea, comes to help Achilles because he holds a grudge against the Trojans, who never paid him back for helping them build their city.Because of the Greek gods’ involvement in the Trojan War, it becomes quite chaotic. None of them are imp artial or fair to both sides of the war. They are very emotional and always try to fight against the people they hate. The same type of behavior occurs in Prometheus Bound. Zeus has no pity or concern for others. He sent eagles to attack Prometheus repeatedly (Aesch. Pro. 1022-1025). Still, he decides to free Prometheus finally because Prometheus agrees to offer him an oracle. Therefore, the Greek gods are selfish and do not obey a moral code at all.Zeus is not morally upright; however, as the king of the Olympian gods, he plays an important role in both divine and human interactions. The main theme of Homer’s Iliad is the wrath of Achilles. Though Achilles refuses to fight against the Trojans because of Agamemnon’s disrespect, he returns to the battle finally. This largely depends on Zeus, who is one of the moderators in this story. He agrees to punish the Achaeans when Achilles’s mother Thetis asks him to do so, which abates Achilles’s rage. In most par ts of the story, Zeus stays impartial and keeps other gods from intervening in the war.In addition, Zeus, as the symbol of authority and justice, never comes down onto the battlefield to interfere with the mortal conflicts, in contrast to the rest of the gods who fight for what they favor. For instance, Apollo and Artemis, who support the Trojans in the war, often give aid to the city of Troy. Zeus acts as a balance through the entire war. Since he is subordinate to Fates, he keeps the gods in order and prevents them from violating the Fates. Zeus allows some gods to go to the battlefield after Apollo joins the battle because he doesn’t want the Achaeans to win earlier than they are supposed to.Throughout the Trojan War, Zeus is the director who keeps the war move along the right track. He mostly remains neutral and plays a vital role in the divine and human interactions. The divine interactions between Zeus and other gods are related to human affairs. These connections can b e found in the relationship between king and subjects, male and female. All the Greek deities need to obey Zeus’s rules because he is the king of the gods, a powerful tyrant. However, Prometheus is an exception. He gives fire to mankind and is so stubborn that he refuses to make peace with Zeus (Aesch.Pro. 167-175). As a result, he is chained to a mountain, where other gods can see how humiliating he is. Agamemnon, the leader of the Achaean army is also selfish and arrogant, which is the same as Zeus. When one of his valuable warriors Achilles challenges his leadership, Agamemnon is so angry that he takes away Achilles’s reward (Hom. Il. 1. 378-382). So it is obvious that no matter in the Greek mythology or real world, the king always is endowed with power that he can control his territory and get whatever he wants.But there is a little different in the standing of male and female. Unlike ordinary women, the Greek female deities do have some power; for instance, Hera i s the goddess of marriage and women fertility; Aphrodite is the goddess of sexual attraction. While in mankind, Homer describes women as useless containers. Since they only consume food and do not produce, they are inferior and not able to speak their wills or make any decisions. In Iliad, Chryseis and Briseis, a pair of beautiful maidens is honored to Agamemnon and Achilles separately.When Chryseis’s father tries his best to get his daughter back, Agamemnon replaces Chryseis with Achilles’s lover Briseis. Chryseis and Briseis are treated as objects. Homer does not mention any of their words in the book because no one cares how they actually feel except their parents. Overall, the similarities between divine interactions and human affairs are that the kings are always powerful and the female is subservient to the male. Though Iliad is a story about ancient heroes, gods and goddesses, it does reflect the values and conditions of Greek society at that time.Iliad was writ ten around eighth century BC, the Archaic Period in Greek history. The main transition is the rise of polis and colonization in Greek society. In the book, all the gods are leaded by Zeus and obey his rules, which reflects that each polis has its own ruler who is not morally upright and tends to set up dictatorships, raise armies and attack other polies to expand his influence. Additionally, the human relationships are not well if we consider the relationship between Zeus and Hera. In the Trojan War, Hera absolutely backs up the Achaeans.So when Thetis asks Zeus to help the Trojans, he is hesitated; however, he finally agrees because he owes her (Hom. Il. 1. 619-635). Hera hears that and asks Zeus what’s his plan, but Zeus replies that she will be the first to know whatever is right for her (Hom. Il. 1. 644-660). So Hera is very angry and decides to seduce Zeus in order to help the Achaeans behind his back. From the myth, we can find that there is hardly any trust or promise between husband and wife. So it’s possible that husband and wife in real Greek family may cheat each other for different reasons.Furthermore, Zeus promises Thetis that he will give Achilles more glories, which reflects that honor can be one of the most important subjects during that time. People want glory so that they can be powerful in the society. In conclusion, the Greek gods always have power in different areas, but they still are not as powerful as Zeus who rules the world. They use different ways to show their power to the human beings, such as communication and punishment. However, these Greek gods including Zeus are not morally upright. They act on their own selfish purposes and sometimes cheat each other to get what they want.As the king of the gods, Zeus is crucial in the human and divine interactions. He can control the war and make those who challenge his authority like Prometheus to suffer. The depiction of the gods and divine interactions actually provides a re alistic view of human conditions. The rise of polis and colonization are the important themes in the Archaic Period. The king of the polis always has strong power and makes decisions based on his will. The warriors and leaders are usually male because women are considered to be useless and inferior, which is a little contrast to the Greek myth.